Is Voting Republican Good Enough?

Will you vote “Republican”, or will you vote your values?

There is a difference!

The Republican party stands for conservative, traditional values… right?  The Republican party stands for protection of life and fiscal responsibility… right?

It all depends on whether you look at the party platform, or the candidate positions.

Isn’t it time to look at the candidates and their position on the issues instead of just accepting them because they have an “R” by their name?

Anyone can become a Republican.

Tom Daschle, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi… even Barack Obama could become a Republican overnight.  All they have to do is sign a “change of party” form.  Do you think for a moment any of these people would make “good” Republicans?  Hardly.  Would you vote for any of them simply because an “R” suddenly appeared by their name?  Probably not.

Then WHY… would you support someone who VOTES like they do?  WHY would you elect a candidate who advances a political agenda that is opposite of yours?

Ronald Reagan said… “We will have no more of those candidates who are pledged to the same goals as our opposition and who seek our support. Turning the party over to the so-called moderates wouldn’t make any sense at all.”

The South Dakota Legislative races are FILLED with REPUBLICAN candidates who support: Tax increases, abortion, increased government spending, restrictive gun laws, ObamaCare, the homosexual/lesbian agenda and a host of other issues that are absolutely contrary to Republican party principles.

How can this be?  It is pretty simple.  Voters have not taken the time to REALLY get to know the candidates.  They have allowed them to claim to be “Republican”, and that is good enough.

Well, it’s NOT good enough any more!  Not if we want to preserve our way of life and the prosperity we have enjoyed for so long!

Take the time to get informed about the positions and votes of “Republicans”.  Some of them are not “Republican” at all.  They just want you to THINK they are so they can win your vote.

You will find a record of their votes and a candidate evaluation at the LIBERTY CAUCUS website.

Take the time to evaluate the candidates BEFORE you vote!

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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4 comments for “Is Voting Republican Good Enough?

  1. chuck wendt
    May 7, 2012 at 9:33 am

    I’m voting for phil Jensen but i am curious about what mike buckingham has said or done. Do you know his history? Your comparison site on district 33 shows a zero conservative voting record for buckingham. thanks.

    • Gordon Howie
      May 10, 2012 at 4:18 am

      Buckingham got a zero on our scorecard because he did not answer any of our candidate questions. I believe his record will show he is a proponnent of coninually giving education more money, and would qualify as a fiscal “moderate”. Jensen will continue to stand up for strong conservative principles, while Buckingham would likely be voting with the establishment Republicans.

  2. Gary Howie
    May 7, 2012 at 8:12 am

    I totally agree that you need to know the candidates positions and voting records and to support the candidate of your choice based on those positions and records. Once the primary contests are over, however, the most difficult vote may be to “compromise” your values by voting for the best of the two candidates remaining. To not vote for someone with whom you partially disagree is to cast a vote for his opponent–there will always be significant differences. I know someone who plans to not vote this fall because Ron Paul, his favorite, did not win the Republican Primary. In effect, by not compromising his principles he is actually casting a vote for our current President, with whom he is in nearly total disagreement.

  3. May 7, 2012 at 7:15 am

    When you pick up a can of Coke, you can be sure of what you’re going to get when you open it up and take a sip: you’re not going to get Mt. Dew, you’re not going to get Dr. Pepper, you’re not going to get fruit punch–you’re going to get Coke.

    Unfortunately, you can’t do that when you pick up a can of “Republican” anymore. You may get liberal Democrat, you may get moderate Democrat, you may get libertarian, you may get some mixed mongrel bag of conflicting ideologies that you can’t even identify…and if you’re lucky, you MIGHT get Republican from the Republican can.

    And if people think “Oh, all those liberal ‘Republicans’ are East River,” they’d better think again. There are quite a few out here in the Rapid City area.

    Thanks for helping separate the wheat from the chaff, Gordon!

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