Rapid City Journal Refuses To Accept Letter To Editor

Glenn Freeman sent this letter to the Rapid City Journal, but he got it back indicating it was spam. 

Here is Glenn’s letter.   

 The outrage conservative Republicans feel due the first time ever primary endorsements by Governor Daugaard of moderate to liberal Republican RINO’s is disgusting.  These elitist Republicans seem convinced that federal funds are more important than the Constitution they swore to uphold.  In my opinion these endorsements clearly shows the governor as just another law school liberal politician. 

    The governor’s final legislative day push a year ago for endorsement of ObamaCare in SD angered many. This years final Session push for 1133, which sets up an insider screening process to deny any legislation not approved by the governor and leadership are more moves toward a totalitarian South Dakota government. 
    Like a miller fluttering around a bug light South Dakotans get burned by such big government sympathizers.   

Glenn Freeman is a Patriot in the true sense of the word.  In OUR opinion, he has a VALID opinion, and it’s worth reading!!


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