Governor Takes Seven Million Dollars For Health Care

South Dakota has taken nearly SEVEN million dollars in federal money (your tax dollars) to become a “level one” health care state.

Governor Bobby Jindal spoke to Republicans in South Dakota recently.  Wouldn’t it be nice if this Republican led state would follow his example!


Jindal has refused to establish a federally mandated health care exchange in his state.


“Here in Louisiana we have not applied for the grants, we have not accepted any of these dollars, we’re not implementing the exchanges,” Jindal said. “We don’t think it makes any sense to implement Obamacare in Louisiana. We’re going to do what we can to fight it.”


Find out what South Dakota is doing to impose ObamaCare on taxpayers.  Listen to this video:


1 comment for “Governor Takes Seven Million Dollars For Health Care

  1. Gordon Howie
    July 3, 2012 at 6:37 am

    Listen to this video…
    NOW… will you tell me why Governor Rounds (you know, the Mike Rounds of Fischer-Rounds Insurance) was so intent on promoting government health care? And can you tell me why Governor Dennis Daugaard (you know, Mike Rounds Lt. Gov)is so anxious to impose Obama Care in SD??
    Could it have anything at all to do with $$$$ 800 BILLION dollars being channeled to private insurance companies? Can anyone say Daugaard-Rounds CARE??

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