Federal Interrogation Required To See Your Physician

Today I called my family doctor for an appointment.  I haven’t had a physical wellness examination for a couple of years.

Everything was going fine.  One appointment for the blood work and another scheduled a few days later for the exam.  So far, so good.

Then the secretary informed me that I would need to show up 15 minutes early for some “paperwork”.

“What kind of paperwork”, I asked.  Since I am not a new patient it seemed rather strange that 15 minutes would be required for paperwork.  Then it dawned on me ( I am so quick)… “Is this paperwork required by the Federal government”?  “Yes it is”, was here response.

Our conversation was cordial, but I was unhappy to think that the doctor I have seen for decades could no longer see me unless I first subject myself to a Federal interrogation.  He is MY doctor, it is MY insurance, I paid for it and there is no government subsidy.  So WHY would I have to complete 15 minutes worth of questioning in order to see MY doctor?

The secretary was very clear that the doctor could not see me if I did not complete the Federally required paperwork.

I said, “Well, let’s cancel my appointments then.  I will just live as long as I live without a doctor”.  I then suggested that she vote for freedom every time she votes. She assured me that she will, and that she does.  I thanked her and hung up.

It only took a few minutes for my head to clear.  I called back and asked if I have to answer ALL the questions.  She said there were some I could decline to answer.  I decided to give it a shot and see what the Federal government needs from me prior to ALLOWING me to see my doctor.

I can hardly wait to get my hands on all this paperwork.  Even more, I can hardly stand to keep my hands OFF the moronic Republican and Democrat lawmakers (State and Federal) who are giving us this kind of government meddling.

Welcome to ObamaCare, 101.  Thank you Barack Obama, Dennis Daugaard and company.

I suppose the Federal government can prescribe something for my anxiety.


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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1 comment for “Federal Interrogation Required To See Your Physician

  1. September 27, 2012 at 7:45 am

    The questions you will be required to answer Big Brother already knows. They just want you to put it in the format they require for these reasons: 1) They want you to know that they are in control; 2)They are lazy and want you to fill in the boxes; 3)They want you to know that they are in control; 4)They want you to provide them with information to use against you when they are ready; 5)They want you to know that they are in control; 6)They want you to tell them that you have experienced some stress in your life and that you own a firearm so that they can invalidate your concealed carry permit, put you on a watch list and deny you from acquiring any other weapons that threatens them; 7)They want you to know that they are in control.
    Proceed with caution, my friend. You are entering hostile territory.

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