More Republicans Follow The Daugaard Lead

It hasn’t been long since Governor Daugaard endorsed candidates whose voting records clearly oppose the State Republican party platform on important things like higher taxes, abortion, homosexual agenda and other issues.

Now, six more “Republicans” have followed suit with an endorsement of their own.  The notable difference is that these Republicans are endorsing a Democrat.

There are some similarities; this candidate, Mike Knudson would also support… you guessed it… higher taxes, abortion, the homosexual agenda.  He would also support Barack Obama for President, along with his grand redistribution plan to socialize America.  Just the kind of candidate most Republican voters would want in South Dakota, right?  Let’s hope not!

This flyer sent by these “Republicans” endorsing Democrat Mike Knudson reveals what many have been saying for some time.  Republican leadership has abandoned Republican party principles.

When Governor Daugaard came out of the closet to endorse leftist “Republicans” he blew the cover for others in Republican leadership who preferred to do it without being quite so obvious.  Those days are gone now, as even MORE “Republicans” are showing their true colors.

One has to ask how these people can call themselves Republican with a straight face (no pun intended).  The sad truth is that anyone who is interested in looking beneath the surface at the voting records of these latest “Republicans” (see House member voting record ***  See Senate member voting record) would see they have never been true to the principles of the Republican party.  This latest “coming out” follows the leader of the state party, Governor Dennis Daugaard.

Supporting candidates who are in clear opposition to Republican party principles is NOT the mark of a true conservative by any stretch.  If there is a consolation to this abandonment of principle, it could be that at least these “Republicans” are beginning to show their true colors.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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