Pray To Close Planned Parenthood

40 Days For Life is now history for 2012.


But a lasting, Heavenly prayer will linger in the ears of God.

Even though 40 days for life ended on November 4th, I would encourage you to continue praying this prayer for the closing of Planned Parenthood.

Here is this magnificent prayer:

Father, all life is in Your care. You have entrusted us to one another, that we may show our brothers and sisters the same love You have for us. We pray, then, for the least among us, the children in the womb. Protect them from the violence of abortion. We pray for those that are scheduled to die at the Goshen Planned Parenthood. Save them from death. Give new hope to their parents, that they may turn away from the desperate act of abortion. Grant conversion to the abortionist and to the staff. Show us how we are to respond to the bloodshed in our midst, and lead us to the day when that place of death will be transformed into a haven of life. Guard us with your joy and your peace, for in You, life is victorious. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

I am personally adding to that prayer, “God show us how to make South Dakota the first abortion-free state in America”.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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