Believing A Lie

Ronald Reagan identified one of the basic problems in life when he said, “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

What we believe can take us a long way in life. If we believe something that isn’t true, we can spend a lifetime going in the wrong direction.

Friendships are made, strengthened… and broken based on what we believe. Political careers are propelled through the passion of what people claim as truth.

When someone presents misinformation as truth, it has consequences. Those consequences began when that misinformation is accepted as truth. People then base their own actions, thoughts and lives on something that simply isn’t true. The results can be devastating.

Jesus said “The truth will set you free”. He also called the devil the “father of lies” and said there is no truth in him. In John 10:10 Jesus said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Some people consider that to be the most definitive scripture in terms of identifying the mission of Christ and the devil.

Truth brings life and abundance. Deception steals, kills and destroys.

Those who choose to believe the lie that life does not begin at conception are willing to support the killing of unborn children. If people would believe the truth, which is clearly proven scientifically, that life does, indeed begin at conception, abortion would not take the lives of millions of little children every year.

There are plenty of lies floating around in our world today which make our lives more difficult.

In politics, socialism supports the misconception that by “spreading the wealth” we can create a better life for everyone. It results in higher taxes and less prosperity for everyone.

Relationships are destroyed when someone believes untrue information about another person.

Character assassination is a significant tactic used by liberals who want to silence Christians. The objective is to insert a portion of the truth in a way that leads people to believe something that is fundamentally untrue. The politically correct term is “spin”. Perpetuating this kind of lie is a tool of the devil, used by those in service to wickedness.

It is not possible to discern truth in life without a personal relationship with Christ. Jesus said, “I am the truth, the life and the way”. If you haven’t given your life to Christ you are living in darkness. Jesus said He would lead us into all truth.

Today would be a good day to begin your personal journey into the light of truth.


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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