Waitress Gets A Pay Cut

A 16 year employee of a local chain restaurant just got her hours cut from 40 hours to 26 hours a week.

The business was filled with paying customers.  She has always done a great job.  So what’s going on?  In a word… ObamaCare.

So, after 16 years of faithful service her income is cut by over one-third without any notice.  She has bills to pay and a family to help support.  She hopes to find another part-time job to take up the slack.

Her personal tragedy is only one of millions across America, and it’s only the tip of the iceberg.  Earlier this month, people began seeing THEIR paychecks get smaller.  Someone making $50,000 per year noticed that they are now paying an extra $1,000 per year in taxes.  Even that is just the beginning.

So who is to blame for this program being forced on America?  Should we blame the business owner who is cutting hours so they don’t have to pay?  Should we blame Obama for leading the way on this huge government tax and control program?  Perhaps we should blame the waitress who said she didn’t vote in November (but assured me she certainly will 4 years from now).

Or, in South Dakota, we could blame former Governor Mike Rounds, current Governor Dennis Daugaard and the Republican leadership for stonewalling and killing every effort to stop ObamaCare in South Dakota.  While claiming publicly to oppose ObamaCare, they have embraced it behind the scenes.  Daugaard has taken millions of ObamaCare dollars and is “co-operating” with the Obama to impose this program on South Dakota taxpayers, while other states are saying NO!

So who is really to blame?  Does it really matter at this point?  We should hold our leaders accountable, and do everything we can to reverse this terrible imposition on our freedoms.

For now, we better tighten our belts and begin looking for a second job.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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