Best Candidate For US Senate

Mike Rounds is making the “rounds” to make his case.

Many Republicans question whether he is really the man for the job. His credentials as a Republican… a conservative… and a pro-life advocate are being reviewed by Republican voters.

Bob Ellis writes,

“When Mike Rounds slid into the governorship back in 2002, it was not because he was the best Republican candidate–not even remotely. No, the two best candidates, Steve Kirby and Mark Barnett, wiped each other out in a very nasty primary campaign that became a poster child for the old nuclear doctrine of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). After the “mainstream” media convinced the public that it should get tired of all the “mudslinging” and “nastiness,” RINO Rounds was the last-man-standing and slid into the primary win…which in South Dakota generally means he also won the general election at that time, too.

Over the course of the next eight years, we saw typical “moderate” type “leadership” from Rounds, ranging from his veto of a major pro-life bill in 2004 to his decision to provide taxpayer funded STD vaccinations for certain types of the human papillomavirus (HPV) to the aforementioned growth in government.”

Read Bob’s complete article HERE

The Rounds veto of pro-life legislation was what pushed me over the edge to run for State Legislature. Many other conservative Republicans were also very troubled by his lack of support. They may not forget it in this race for US Senate.

Former State Senator Bill Napoli has been suggested as a good alternative to Rounds for this Senate seat.

Napoli has compared the former Governor to a mud puddle… two feet wide and two inches deep (to paraphrase). Napoli served with Rounds, and knows him well. Conservatives have encouraged Napoli to enter the race, and at one point he said if Rounds had no competition he (Napoli) would run. We are waiting, Bill!!!

There is also talk that Representative Kristi Noem may challenge Rounds. Silence from the Noem camp.

While conservatives wait and wonder, “will SOMEONE challenge Rounds for this Senate seat”… he is busy trying to convince South Dakota Republicans that he is “conservative enough” for the job.

Unless a conservative candidate steps up, it appears to be a cake-walk for Mike.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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1 comment for “Best Candidate For US Senate

  1. Drew Dennert
    February 13, 2013 at 11:17 am

    I have been given many different reactions whenever I ask if Kristi Noem is planning on running for Senate.
    I think Mike Rounds will have a conservative challenger but the question is who that person will be?

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