Medicaid Spending Increase

The States are grappling with whether to take more money from the Federal government to expand Medicaid.

States like South Dakota already take huge amounts of Federal dollars (let’s not forget these are TAX dollars).

The Medicaid increases would take more dollars from the pockets of American taxpayers, channel it through the Washington DC bureaucracy and send it to the states.  The plan is to get States hooked on MORE Medicaid spending and then begin shifting the burden BACK to state taxpayers.

No one is discussing the total mechanics of this bad fiscal plan.  Taxes HAVE to go up at the Federal level to fund the initial phase of this increase in spending.  Then, as the burden shifts to the states, State taxes have to go up.  So the Federal taxes will go down then, right?  Not a chance.  What taxpayers will end up with is DOUBLE the tax burden, and the Federal government will simply find another way to spend this “windfall”.

Republicans in State Legislatures have the opportunity to hold the line on this increase, but they are instead talking about things like “triggers”, which put limits on the amount a state could contribute.  They are only kidding us, if not themselves, to think that these “triggers” or other “limits” mean anything.  Future Legislators will quickly eliminate or increase the limits when they are pressured at a later date.

NOW is the time to say no.

Republicans who believe their own party platform will draw a line in the sand and say NO.  Others will find excuses to embrace all or part of this increase in government spending.

Do Republicans in your state have a backbone?  We will soon find out!


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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1 comment for “Medicaid Spending Increase

  1. Diane
    February 22, 2013 at 5:38 pm

    Somehow I just can’t get my head around the idea that tax paying American citizens are going to allow themselves to be accosted by their employees. Politicians seem to be cooking their own goose.

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