Democrats And Republicans Using The Same Playbook

Democrats want to take money from American taxpayers to increase spending.

Republican Paul Ryan and others are promoting the idea of “vouchers” and “block grants” from the Federal government to individual states, allowing them to create their own “program details” for entitlements.

That sounds like a great idea, right?  So what’s the problem?

Both parties seem to be ignoring the basic problem, which is taking the money from taxpayers in the first place.  Wouldn’t it really make more sense to just leave it in the pockets of taxpayers?  Instead, both parties are poised to “compromise” with some kind of “additional revenue” (tax increases).

Regardless of which party is in control, it seems that they are committed to maintaining… if not increasing the power and size of the Federal government.  They seem to have forgotten, if they ever knew at all, that small Federal government was the intent of the founding fathers.  The government that governs least, governs best.

The tenth amendment gives clear direction…

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The formula for success is to leave most governing to the states, and dollars in the pockets of American taxpayers.

At this time in history, it seems that leaders in both parties are stuck with the idea that money needs to be laundered through the Federal government in order to be effective.

The solution?  Cut taxes, reduce the size and scope of the Federal government and allow states to govern in a limited fashion.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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1 comment for “Democrats And Republicans Using The Same Playbook

  1. Stace Nelson
    March 12, 2013 at 7:40 am

    I have not met one voter who is not concerned about a US Congress that has spent this country to the brink of financial ruin with a runaway national debt of $16 Trillion & growing. This debt exploded by Congress passing omnibus bills that created countless new programs that grew our federal government to the top heavy, taxpayer crushing, size it is today.

    SD started this session with a surplus of tax dollars, and we were one of the top states in the nation, even as we face sequester cuts. The legislature/governor GREW SD’s government and changed that though following Congress’ lead by passing omnibus bills containing numerous new programs with over 120+ new full time employees, that South Dakotans were somehow doing without before, to include a similar “economic development program” voters overwhelmingly defeated in 2012′s RL14. Omnibus bills SB70, SB90, SB235, HB1060, & HB1185 were special interest favorites that were chocked full of new program spending that did not even attempt to hide the fact they made a mockery of SD Constitution Article III Sec § 21, and Article XII Sec § 2 prohibitions against such omnibus packaging. As with the federal government, this type of fiscal irresponsibility, diverts proper support from essential public infrastructure needs (education, roads, etc), creates a further tax burden on South Dakotans, and grows an ever expanding government on their shoulders. In support of this government expansion, several tax increases were passed that will be taking more of their money. Roughly $100 Million in new spending at a cost of approximately $120 per every man, woman, and child in the state.

    I opposed this wholesale expansion of government, on South Dakotans backs, the best I could. Sadly, many legislators who campaigned claiming to be fiscally conservative went along to get along, and these bills were all passed. Spending all but the crumbs left of the tax dollar surplus, and raising future taxes, to expand SD’s government on taxpayers’ backs.

    Exploding state government & raising taxes is NOT in keeping with Republican ideology of limited government & lowering taxes. These tax & spend ways are NOT fiscally conservative. These programs are a page out of President Obama’s government expanding stimulus ideas and NOT President Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts…

    Not the fiscal conservatives South Dakotans were promised when these people ran for office…

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