Thune, Johnson & Noem Agree On Tax Increase

It seems that South Dakota’s two senators and lone Congresswoman are supporting the internet tax increase.


Representative Kristi Noem is a Co-sponsor of the US House bill that would add sales tax to internet purchases.  Senator Tim Johnson is a Co-sponsor of the bill in the Senate.  While Senator Thune is not a “sponsor” of the bill, he voted twice this week to move the bill forward.

This tax increase would produce between $50 – $60 million dollars a year in new tax revenue for South Dakota.

On Monday, there were seventeen Republicans and three Democrats voting against moving this tax bill forward.  Rand Paul and Marco Rubio were two of them.  John Thune was not.  He voted, instead, in favor.

A majority of retailers seem to be in favor of this tax increase, while most consumers in South Dakota don’t like the idea of adding another $60 million dollar tax burden.  Supporters would like to promote this as a “windfall” to help state governments pay bills.  Those opposing the idea argue that government should reduce spending, and that this is NOT a “windfall”… it is a HUGE tax increase.

When South Dakota’s Republican Senator and Representative vote with Democrat Tim Johnson, you can be sure that it won’t be for a reduction of government spending or a tax reduction.

**Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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4 comments for “Thune, Johnson & Noem Agree On Tax Increase

  1. PlanningStudent
    April 30, 2013 at 3:47 pm

    You are either deliberately lying or misleading at best. There is no new tax here. If a South Dakotan buys from he/she is already legally required to submit sales tax to the state of South Dakota. Most South Dakotans do not do this, which is illegally avoiding taxes. Mr. Howie, I believe you know something about this.. The objective of the House and Senate bills is to simply require internet vendors to be the ones to collect and remit the sales tax that we now require individuals to do. This is the same process that physical vendors already take part in, in South Dakota.

    • May 2, 2013 at 5:42 am

      It takes a real idiot to pass a tax that has no enforcement mechanism. The existing requirement for an internet sales tax has been unenforceable, and therefore unenforced.

      RINO Daugaard’s cries for an enforcement mechanism are therefore a call for a de facto new tax.

      Stop defending tax-and-spend liberalism.

  2. mike
    April 27, 2013 at 8:07 am

    Just unsubscribed from Noem’s facebook page and campaign emails. I’ll vote for her again for reelection just like Thune but now I could care less if we send her or Rounds to the Senate.

    I might actually prefer Rounds because at least I know what I’m getting. Noem is always promoting herself as a conservative leader but she has NOT ONCE voted against big government in any measure that has passed. She’s always on the wrong side of the major issues of the day. Debt increases, internet sales tax, big ag, ethanol handouts, wind subsidies… you name it and she’s for it.

    Noem is not a small government conservative unless she wants to cut another state’s money. That is not leadership it is nonsense.

  3. Chuck
    April 27, 2013 at 8:01 am

    I will be calling thune and noem on monday. Wont waste my breath with johnson

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