Phony Christian Compassion

Ann Coulter blasted liberal evangelicals earlier this year for their support of amnesty.

She had this to say about their compassion for those “in need”.

Adopting a classic liberal trait, these Christians incapable of abstract thinking seem to believe that true compassion consists of giving away something that isn’t theirs. They repeatedly cite the biblical passage about treating the stranger as you would yourself. But I note that they don’t invite strangers to move into their houses, sleep in their beds, eat their food and have sex with their wives.

No, they demand that the rest of us transform our country into a bankrupt, Third World hellhole so that they can feel good about themselves. But every American has an interest in what kind of country this is. America isn’t theirs to give away out of phony “Christian” compassion.  

Coulter has a tendency to be a bit sharp in her criticism, but she identifies a problem with the thinking of the left, Christian and non-Christian alike.  They want to do good things with YOUR money, while doing little or nothing with their own.  Their compassion ends when they run out of YOUR money.

Some of these people give of themselves and their resources, but most do not.  The charitable giving of many liberal politicians is notably insignificant.  They choose instead to use your money to “help” others.

The scripture does not teach that we should “rob from the rich to give to the poor”.  For anyone who is wondering, that was the teaching of Robin Hood, not Jesus.  If we would all minister to the needs of those we personally see, we would be doing the work of Jesus.  It is much to easy for liberals to use government to solve social problems.  It seems to satisfy their urge to be compassionate and allow them to keep their money.

Increasing taxes and passing legislation that “takes care” of those in need is often nothing more than phony Christian compassion.

The church (believers) are responsible to feed the hungry and care for those in need.  Their failure to do so compels them to insist that the government step in with YOUR money to do that which they are unwilling to do.


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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