$43,000 More Debt For Your Household

In the past four years, that is the amount our political leaders have added to YOUR debt.

In South Dakota, both US Senators, John Thune (Republican) and Tim Johnson (Democrat) just voted to increase the debt ceiling… again!

Congresswoman Kristi Noem stood alone as she voted against raising the debt ceiling. 

Your household now owes $43,000 more than you did four years ago, but that isn’t the worst part of this story!web.ad06taurus

Politicians in BOTH parties voted AGAIN to add more debt to your already high burden.

They also voted to fund ObamaCare, even in the face of the overwhelming evidence that it will bankrupt our country, most Americans don’t want it and that the entire system does not even work.  With the total failure of the ObamaCare website, how much confidence do you have that the system will actually deliver quality, affordable healthcare?  NONE, would be the correct answer here!

History tells us that when the issue comes up again in December, some kind of a “grand bargain” will be struck again, at the expense of American taxpayers.  It should make us wonder if there is ANY limit to the amount of debt our elected officials are willing to put on the backs of American families.   How much debt can American households stand before they crumble under the financial pressure of increased taxes?

Responsible government would say we have already gone beyond the reasonable limits of debt for America.  Spending and taxes should be REDUCED.  The burden on families should be lessened.  Government regulation should be significantly removed.

Unfortunately, it appears that our leaders have something else in mind.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

gh7 “America needs to know the truth, without which, she will surely lose her freedom.”

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1 comment for “$43,000 More Debt For Your Household

  1. TG
    October 28, 2013 at 7:52 am

    This is bleak (but obvious) news. I shudder everytime I hear “bankrupt” in regard to our country but that’s where we’re heading (I actually assume this was Obama’s plan all along) and we’ve ignored it for just way too long. I don’t like talking about it but it’s at the point where everyone needs to start talking about it. It’s staring us in the face.

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