How Could You Not Know???

question_fHave you ever encountered a situation where someone you generally respect as knowledgeable and upright…makes one of the most asinine statements imaginable?

Or put another way, they admit to not knowing something that should be as obvious as the noon-day son?web.ad96riviera

So it was that Rush Limbaugh was incredulous that Charles Krauthammer–a man I agree with most of the time–said that he didn’t know who Barack Obama was or what he was about until some time after he was elected.

With Barack Obama rated the most liberal senator–even before he was elected president–and with statements from Obama such as the one where he wanted the repeal of DOMA, and with Obama’s known associations Islamic radicals and domestic terrorists, and more…how in the world could Krauthammer not know???

I mean, you could sorta understand if Krauthammer was the typical “Dancing With the Stars”-watching mind-numbed drone who floated through life barely aware of what was going on around him politically, but Krauthammer is, I know, usually very aware of what is going on in the world.

I truly do not understand how such astonishing ignorance happens in otherwise very cognizant and astute people.

Any ideas?

 *** Bob Ellis *** Is a conservative writer and Life and Liberty News contributor

bob ellis

More commentary from Bob Ellis can be seen daily on the American Clarion 



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