Rounds Leaving Senate Race?

Is it a Mike Rounds secret… or just a rumor?

From sources high in the South Dakota Republican leadership camp, the message is a real political bombshell.

We have been told that Mike Rounds will withdraw from the US Senate race in December…

due to investigations currently underway.  Details were sketchy, but the assertion is that the EB-5 program investigations are getting too hot for former Governor, now Senate candidate Mike Rounds.

That might explain why Rounds has been conspicuously absent from nearly all of the joint appearances of the candidates.

We are also told that current US Congresswoman Kristi Noem will enter the race for US Senate.

That could prove to be a real game changer in the Senate race in South Dakota.  It begs the question, “will one… or more of the current candidates for US Senate leave that race and run instead for the House?”

Further fallout, according to this source, is that these investigations will also impact the race for Governor in South Dakota.

We would be remiss not to be clear that this information is not absolutely web.ad08chevyconfirmed, albeit coming from what we believe to be reliable sources.  Confirmation from Rounds or Noem would be great, but not expected at this point in time.  December or January should tell us one way or the other.

Whether this is only rumor or an “early warning”, one thing is certain.  Both former Governor Mike Rounds and current Governor Dennis Daugaard are up to their eyeballs in this EB-5 investigation.  One man involved in this program  is now dead due to  an unexplained gunshot to the head.  The trail of these investigations HAS to lead to questions of the Rounds-Daugaard administration.

Stay tuned.  These investigations are far from over!

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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5 comments for “Rounds Leaving Senate Race?

  1. Lance
    November 21, 2013 at 7:22 pm

    I remember reading in the paper when Rounds left office that he had something like a million dollars in his campaign fund. I thought this strange being he ran unopposed his second term for Governor.

  2. PrairieLady
    November 21, 2013 at 4:58 pm

    Gunshot would to the head? I had read several places it was in his stomach.

  3. Jeff Porter
    November 21, 2013 at 9:17 am

    That would be very telling about Mrs. Noem if she were to leave a seat that she will not lose to take on a solid candidate in Stace Nelson . I thought she was the ” Tea Party darling ” That would seem more like a Progressive (RINO) move that we are used to in South Dakota .

  4. Anonymous
    November 21, 2013 at 8:30 am

    Many people have wondered about the unusual press release that Daugaard put out that he was not declaring for governor at this time. Suspicions are that it is because of the investigations into the failed EB5 projects and the lost millions.

    Rounds was on shaky ground to begin with, this newest scandal reminds people of all the shady dealings he had in his administration. We don’t need another crooked politician in DC.

    I think there would be a huge backlash against Kristi Noem if she should try and pull this. She ran and hid from Rounds and has already told people a story how she couldn’t run because her family didn’t want her to. If she threw her hat in the ring, with an obvious good conservative like Nelson already in, I think she would be shown the door.

  5. dpmt
    November 21, 2013 at 5:43 am

    The plot thickens! I would love to see Rounds out of the race. Not entirely thrilled that Kristi could be running, though. She’s become too establishment GOP already. bleh.

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