One of my favorite songs as a young boy was the song “Let’s Get Together” sung by Haley Mills.

I imagine part of the reason was I though Haley was cute and in the movie that this song was sung she and a sister where trying to get their parents back together again.new ad

That theme of reconciliation is what I would like to share some thoughts on today. We begin with God Who should be our greatest friend and sin which is God’s greatest enemy. When we sin it hurts God in a way that I believe the human mind can not even imagine.

What needs to happen is there needs to be reconciliation between that which God loves (we as His creation) and Himself knowing it cannot happen as long as His arch enemy sin exists within us.

This process begins with Christ’s death (Romans 5:10) an example of which could perhaps be better understood when a parent saw a child sacrificed in a war effort meant to preserve freedom. God as our Father sacrificed His Son so we could remain free as well.

As we hold to the truth of a Triune God where God is in Christ so we through Christ’s death once enemies of God by our sinful nature can now of our own free will be reconciled to God once again. This happens when we take on a new nature (see related blog “A new nature”).

The seal that assures the reconciliation has been completed is the blood of Christ (Eph. 2:13). It is our affirmation of this covenant relationship that we do at each communion ordained by Christ Himself the night before His death on the cross.

Making peace between enemies, the process of reconciliation is never easy and often unsuccessful. When it does happen the GETTING TOGETHER has to begin with Christ.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY:  Reconciliation requires being reformed through the redemption of Christ.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY:  Romans 5:10 “Christ’s death accomplishes reconciliation”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY:  Lord thank you for redeeming me.


1. Have you accepted reconciliation with God?

2. Have you ever faced a “reconciliation” situation in your life outside of the one with God?

3. What is your reason for taking communion?

4. What happens in life when God is not part of the equation?

RELATED BLOG:  “Will conflict ever end”.

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

   View Gary’s website, Encouraging Others in Christ



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