Freedom To Prosper

Individuals making their own choices produces jobs and creates wealth.

When government takes control, jobs are lost and “re-distribution” of wealth is the order of the day.  By “leveling the playing field”, government dis-incentivizes industry and entrepreneurs who would create new opportunity for everyone, if left to chart their own course.

Years ago, William F. Buckley Jr. interviewed Margaret Thatcher.  They discussed the lessons learned from the failure of socialism.  Thatcher’s remarks seem to be strikingly appropriate for America today.

When governments choose winners and losers, the real loser is the economy.  Left to succeed or fail on their own, businesses in the private sector sort it out and economies prosper.  Big government bailouts, increased government spending to “stimulate” the economy and excessive regulation cripples economic growth and prosperity every time.

Economies prosper when people are given the FREEDOM to prosper.

***Gordon Howie is an author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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