Restrict Immigrant Quartering to Liberal Communities

toon_070210_FULLAmerican Colonialists were upset when the distant British Parliament, the established government at the time, decided that British troops should be quartered in local housing.  The resulting series of Quartering Acts also required that food be provided to the soldiers.  It’s only humanitarian to provide shelter and nourishment to those in need, isn’t it?

       The majority of Colonialists rebelled, of course, though the pro-British Loyalists undoubtedly thought it was a good idea since patriotism to them meant upholding the legally constituted British Establishment that had always ruled the country.  The solution back then should have been obvious: let the Loyalists provide all the food and shelter, not the others.

       The same holds for immigrants today.  “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore” the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor proclaims.  Fitting.  Let those do the quartering who really want to empty out the shanty towns from Third World countries across the globe, to bring them to the US.

      The liberal rich (beneficiaries of Reagan’s trickle-down economics) have both the desire and the discretionary income to house and feed the world’s poor in their own homes.  Most have lots of extra bedrooms and live in big cities where immigrants like to go.  As in the old Plantation South, they can live together under the same roof and provide on-the-spot examples of responsible behavior and citizenship to the newcomers.

       People in the Northeast and on the West Coast will be that much happier with immigrants under their direct care, rather than as abstractions far from personal interaction.  No need to even involve IRS appropriations from those who don’t support immigration.  Doesn’t everyone have a spare bedroom–or extra money now wasted on eating out and tipping generously?


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