What Good Are They?

Recently our US Attorney General who is our chief law enforcement officer told the state attorney generals to enforce only those laws they were in agreement with or words to that effect.

It dumbfounded me that our nation has fallen to this level. Laws or commands have a purpose or they would not be necessary.

In our verse for today (Prov. 3:1) we begin to understand that purpose which is to change lives but to do so from the inside out (aka change the heart first). Without humanity having laws and being made aware of them there would be no civility in our world or hope for it. Scripture underscores this being divided into law and Gospel. Yet all begins with the heart and for the heart to understand the head must know the laws and their purpose.

There are numerous laws that require our attention and understanding each serving a purpose beginning with the laws of men. That was pointed out by Christ in Luke 20:25. God’s laws are not always as man made laws but both are to be respected.

We also have a natural sense of right and wrong (see related blog) built into us (Romans 2:14-15). Even as the children of Israel were living under the covenants and law of Moses so they could distinguish between what is sin and what is not even as could also the gentiles who were not under these laws but who knew right from wrong in their heart.

Laws indeed are necessary as they are what makes our society work and they are an expression of God’s will (Romans 7).God desires obedience from us and though we have forgiveness for all our sins through Christ we are still during our time on earth to give obedience to ALL the laws of man and God despite what a President, Attorney General or anyone else might say. WHAT GOOD ARE THEY? They keep us civil and when followed according to Scripture express God’s will.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Laws should lead us to a love of our Lord.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Proverbs 3:1 “laws change us from the inside out”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord strengthen me toward obedience of Your laws.


1. Explain how laws are kept through inside out change?

2. What laws are confusing to you?

3. Should officials with oversight of the law enforce them selectively?

4. Did Christ’s death and Resurrection put an end to the necessity for the laws of the Old Testament?


*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

   View Gary’s website, Encouraging Others in Christ



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