Harry Reid Isn’t The Problem

“Get rid of Harry Reid” is the fear-based argument for electing a candidate to the US Senate who has a record of compromising the conservative, traditional values most South Dakotans hold dear.

We would do well to examine how we got Harry Reid in the first place.  Harry Reid is a product of the environment that elected Barack Obama.  That environment was created by an erosion of principle and moral integrity in the political process. 

Republican leaders are largely to blame.  They have been leading America in the wrong direction, and do everything possible to “crush” anyone who dares to challenge their grip on power.  Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate has vowed to “crush the Tea Party” (conservative, Constitution supporting patriots).  His verbalization accurately portrays the attitude of other Republican “leaders”.  Former governor and now US Senate candidate, Mike Rounds follows the McConnell lead by referring to conservatives as “professional dissenters”.

Organizations who represent themselves as the voice of moral authority have fallen in step with these compromising leaders in exchange for a “seat at the table”.  They believe that they must sacrifice principle in order to advance principle.  Somehow, they have been convinced that they are responsible for engineering results rather than obeying God.  In public, these political and organizational leaders are saying Mike Rounds will “champion our values”.  In private they say something quite different… things like: “He was the laziest Governor we ever had.”  “Maybe we can move him closer to our principles.” “I don’t like him… even ____ _____ (name intentionally left blank) doesn’t like him.”

These same leaders, in private, confess: “Gordon Howie is with us on every issue” and “If I were voting on principle, I would vote for Gordon Howie.”  When winning becomes a higher priority than integrity we lose every time.

What they miss is the truth that is so clearly articulated in Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

These political power brokers gave us Barack Obama and Harry Reid by nominating bad candidates like John McCain.  Political power brokers in South Dakota have now given us Mike Rounds, and insist that the only way to “save America” is to support a bad candidate who does not, has not and will not represent conservative values.  It is an argument based on fear which is destined to change nothing.

If people vote their values Harry Reid WILL disappear. If they vote for bad candidates the REPUBLICAN PARTY will disappear.
The real battle is in 2016 when Republicans will have to hold 24 Senate seats AND take the White House.  Democrats will only need to keep 10 seats.  The Republican Party needs new leaders with strong principles to energize the conservative base or they will lose that election, the Party AND the country.

If America ever needed to restore moral integrity and principle to the political system, it is certainly now.  My prayer (not for me, but for America) is that people will vote for principle, not fear.


Paid for by Gordon Howie for Senate


1 comment for “Harry Reid Isn’t The Problem

  1. October 20, 2014 at 7:27 am


    And people wonder why (a) we have so few good candidates and (b) why the best candidates often lose.


    Jeepers, what a bunch of self-defeating morons, we can be sometimes.

    Hint: the liberals aren’t nearly that stupid, though.

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