Boiling The Frog

It would be easy to compare American citizens to the “frog in the pot”.

Over the past few years, the heat has been slowly cooking us.  During the Obama reign, the heat has been turned up, but not enough for all the frogs to exit the pot.  Now, with Republicans “in charge” of the house and the Senate, the heat may be turned down a bit.

All of this begs the question, “Will the Republicans turn off the heat, or just continue to boil us at a lower temperature”?

Fear of Obama and Reid gave the Senate to Republicans.  It wasn’t because America adores the GOP.  Still, they have an opportunity to defend our liberty.  While my optimism in that regard does not abound, I am hopeful… prayerful.

I agree with those who suggest we should give the newly elected majority a chance to prove themselves, despite their previous performance.  Really, what other choice do we have?  We could do as the Republican leadership did to the efforts of Senator Ted Cruz, and sabotage them before they even get started.  That doesn’t seem like the best coarse of action.  Even though they don’t seem to be off to a roaring start, let’s not rush to judgment.  Perhaps they will rise to the occasion.

We should not lose focus of the real issues as the flurry of political sound bites begin to fly.  The objectives should be to REDUCE debt, CUT spending and STOP government growth.  Things like tax cuts, eliminating regulation, repeal (without replace) ObamaCare and ending the Federal takeover of education can’t be ignored.  Republicans will… and should… be judged by how well they perform on these issues.

Republicans are in a position to re-gain the trust of American taxpayers.  This is now their game to lose.  If they are not successful in turning off the heat and restoring our liberties, there will be a lot of frogs jumping out of the pot!

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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1 comment for “Boiling The Frog

  1. November 28, 2014 at 6:03 am

    Good article.

    I’m not going to try to sabotage them (they don’t need anyone to do that; they’re ALREADY doing it to themselves), but neither am I going out of my way to give them a chance to prove themselves. How many times do my values (traditional, American, conservative, Republican values) have to be betrayed by those who CLAIM to believe in them before it becomes clear that trusting them is a fool’s errand? Answer: we’ve already had enough times to reveal that.

    Some people may wonder why I spend more time hammering “Republicans” these days than I do Democrats. The answer is simple: Democrats don’t even bother claiming they know better anymore. Republicans darned-well know better because they at least mouth allegiance to the values they betray. I can respect someone who sincerely believes the wrong thing, more than I can respect someone who claims to believe the right thing, yet repeatedly behaves like a hypocrite and betrays what he claims to believe in.

    Frankly, I don’t have any hope left anymore that we can save this great nation. Too many people–including many I once thought knew better–drinking the Koolaid of liberal poison. But a few might be saved as this ship goes down, so let’s continue telling the truth so that some might cling to it like life preservers.

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