Big Spenders Home For The Holidays

Here are a few highlights from the new spending bill passed by the House:

Blocks the sage-grouse from being placed on the Endangered Species List.

Makes white potatoes eligible for purchase through the federal food program

Prevents federal and local funds from being used to implement a ballot referendum approved in November that would legalize recreational marijuana in Washington D.C.

Cuts funding for the Environmental Protection Agency by $60 million

Prevents the regulation of lead used in ammunition.

Cuts funding for the IRS by $345.6 million

$30 million in new funding for the National Institutes of Health for a total of $30 billion,

 $46 million for U.S. embassy security around the world.

$4.5 million for the Agriculture Department to fight plant diseases and $2 million for a virus impacting the U.S. pork industry.

Blocks a pay raise for the vice president

A 1% military pay raise.

$94 billion for new military equipment, including 87 Blackhawk helicopters, 38 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters and two attack submarines.

$64 billion in war funds

$5.4 billion to treat and fight the spread of the Ebola virus in the U.S. and abroad

Doesn’t roll back any major portions of Obamacare – it allows for continued funding at the current levels.

There is obviously more, if you care to dig into the details of this $ 1.1 Trillion dollar spending bill.

67 Republicans voted AGAINST the bill.  Here are there names:

no votes

All other Republicans voted FOR the bill.

Perhaps the most important thing was nailed by Speaker Boehner when he said, “Listen, if we don’t get finished today, we’re going to be here until Christmas.”

We certainly wouldn’t want our Congress working during the holiday season.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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