Trashing Ted Cruz

Rick Moran (that’s Moran, not moron) writes an article on PJ Media trashing Senator Ted Cruz.

It’s typical rhetoric from the establishment Republican point of view.  Step one: abandon the principles which got you elected and do what voters told you NOT to do (pass the spending bill, thereby endorsing Obama amnesty and ObamaCare).  Step two: accuse anyone who dares to stand on principle of joining the Democrats and destroying the Republican party.

Moran does a commendable job at that task.

Here are a few excerpts from his article, along with my thoughts.

“Senator Ted Cruz is now officially on the outs with most of the GOP caucus. I’m sure that suits him fine, and no doubt wins him friends and supporters among those conservatives who cheer his grandstanding and futile legislative gestures that have zero chance of passing.”

The assertion by Republicans who support the Obama spending/amnesty/ObamaCare funding bill is that by challenging them, Senator Cruz is giving Democrats the opportunity to confirm 24 Obama appointees to the court and other positions.  Some make the argument that it could even be a significantly larger number.  HERE IS THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH… Harry Reid had said previously that he was going to push through these nominations.  The question could be (not that there was really an issue here)… should be, whose fault is it, really?  Cruz for standing on principle, or the Republican machine for endorsing and passing the Obama spending/amnesty/ObamaCare funding bill to begin with?

“For Cruz, playing to the peanut gallery on the right in service to his overweening ambition to be president trumps all.
And if, in the process of satisfying the bloodlust of his supporters, he helps the opposition and damages his party and its causes, that is secondary to his narcissistic compulsion to make everything about him.”

Accusations of “grandstanding” and “futile legislation” is deserving of translation.  The correct terminology would be “standing on principle” and “willing to risk political retribution to do the right thing.”  Funny how those who are perfectly willing to sell American taxpayers and future generations down the river are quick to trash anyone who DARES to stand in their way.

“Just what possessed this demagogue to put his personal, political interests ahead of the goals of his party and his ideology?”

Actually, that’s exactly backwards.  Cruz is willing to put the true party ideology and goals (not the goals and ideology of party leaders) ahead of his own personal and political interests.

“There was never any chance his legislative gambit would work, as evidenced by the final vote on his amendment — 74-22. ““Thanks a lot, Ted.”

It might be noteworthy that the reason Senator Cruz never “had a chance” with this legislation is because most Republicans in the Senate are more concerned about their next election than the next generation.  At this point, they probably should be concerned about their next election.

When you get to the real motive of these “Republicans” in private conversation, you quickly learn what their political philosophy is: “We have to compromise on what is good so we will be in a position to DO what is good.”  The problem is, they never quite arrive at the time when they are in a position to do good.  They have it completely upside down.  Our responsibility is to DO what is right, and trust God for the results.

Nevertheless, they continue on THEIR futile journey.  Along the way, they are required to trash anyone who would risk everything to do what is right in the first place.

Thanks a lot Ted… indeed.  Thank you and God bless you Senator Cruz.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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2 comments for “Trashing Ted Cruz

  1. Brad Ford
    December 17, 2014 at 10:32 am

    Yes, Ted Cruz seems now the standard bearer for those who wants to “break out” of the media sludge that now obscures the values of those on the political right. American Thinker’s Matthew Vadum demonstrates a dexterous ability to clarify what Cruz is about: “What really infuriates namby-pamby Republican senators is that Cruz forced them to take a public stand on the president’s unilateral amnesty.  They know that the Republican Party base is mad as hell over the amnesty, and they don’t feel the need to answer to mere hoi polloi.”

  2. December 17, 2014 at 5:58 am

    I saw that article yesterday. I was surprised to see drivel like that at PJTV.

    What pathetic times we live in, when people who stand for what is right are openly vilified.

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