Another Republican Leaves The Party

More conservatives are leaving the Republican Party.

It’s not just a little thing.

While Republicans are basking in the glory of recent election victories, they seem to have forgotten WHY they won and what they have been commissioned by voters to do.

Yesterday I had coffee with a longtime conservative Republican.  Not an extremist.  Not a radical.  Just a solid, strong conservative.  The interesting thing about this Republican is that they have left the Republican party.  Changed registration to Independent.

I am hearing that more and more.  Why would these solid, rank and file Republicans be exiting the party?  They answer isn’t hard to find.  They have just had their fill of being marginalized, ignored, lied to and betrayed.

These people are principled people who are no longer buying the argument that we have to nominate a “compromise” candidate or we can’t win.  Like Dole?  Like McCain?  Like Romney?

Establishment Republicans are already sounding the battle cry for 2016.  “We want a candidate who can WIN”.  At this moment, the argument is being used to diminish prospective candidates like Cruz and Paul, and elevate “compromised” candidates like the recently declared Jeb Bush.

These “compromise” candidates, in general, support Common Core, amnesty, refuse to de-fund ObamaCare and don’t mind growing government or increasing taxes.  They are also soft on social issues.

Here’s a news flash… if the Republican establishment invests itself in this kind of candidate so they can “win”, they will lose.  Republicans can’t win without the conservative Christian base.

Principled conservatives are leaving and will not return to a party of compromise on basic principles.


***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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3 comments for “Another Republican Leaves The Party

  1. Drew Dennert
    December 19, 2014 at 11:51 am

    As much as establishment moderates are hurting the party and giving us bad candidates like McCain we will still be able to accomplish much more by staying in the party and voting for the conervative in the GOP primary.

    At this point in time 3rd party candidates (In most cases) are not capable of winning a plurality of the vote, I’m not advocating for voting for the lesser of 2 evils because good people should never feel obligated to vote for evil.

    Conservatives must be able to make our voice heard in the primary process. At this point it is clearly our best chance of winning!

    • December 20, 2014 at 7:54 am

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Drew. I would only say that until America totally and completely rejects the “must vote for a candidate who can win” argument and votes for principled men and women who will serve rather than rule, it matters little which “party” is in office.

      Please give my regards to George and your parents. You have a remarkable family!

    • lorahubbel
      December 20, 2014 at 2:01 pm

      I love your hopeful reply Drew….but you are young and not as battle-scarred as some of us. Unless there is a search for truth in the Republican party, we wont succeed. We have Republicans benefitting on big government, benefitting on ObamaCare, benefitting on Common Core, benefitting on farm welfare, benefitting on crop/food poisons, benefitting on questionable drugs with more side effect than targeted effects. The new Republican cares only for money (what our founding fathers called avarice and to be avoided at all cost). Until we care more about people over money we will continue down the road to Fascism (called Corporatism where the lines are blurred between big government and big business)

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