First Things First

It’s early morning and a new day awaits me.


What should I tackle first? I answered that question for myself a long time ago with the answer being my devotions and then sharing some thoughts with you who read this. Morning is a very special time of the day about which God has much to say beginning with Genesis 22:3 where we see Abraham doing God’s will first thing in the morning. We need to do that as well and not make excuses be it devotions, visiting the sick or whatever God’s will has placed on our hearts.

One of those morning tasks is worship (Ex. 24:4). I enjoy sunrise services especially if they are held outdoors though I have been to only a few. What better time to worship God and yet many have found themselves going to evening worship as it is more convenient (not just because you have to work Sunday morning).

Though I am not a military tactition morning was also the best time it seems as a nation to do battle (Joshua 8:10)  and it was also the best time to depart for a trip (Judges 19:5). Of battle for a nation I am not qualified to speak but I do like to leave when I am traveling in the early hours or on the first flight leaving an airport. Things always go much smoother and if problems arise you have time to make adjustments.

In my understanding of the story of the King who threw Daniel into the Lions den to see if Daniel would survive it was morning in that situation when the King wanted to correct the evil he had done (Daniel 6:19). Good advice for us who have wronged someone which is to correct the wrong immediately.

One example that should speak to all our hearts is that morning is to be a time of prayer. It is an example Christ gave us in His own life (Mark 1:35) that is truly worthy of our following. Prayer should be 24/7 through how we live but for direct communication with our Father in Heaven the early hours are special.

Whether it is visiting a tomb (Mark 16:2) or attending a worship service (Acts 5:21) the early risers are doing things right as they are putting FIRST THINGS FIRST.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Mornings are the moments that can move us closer to our master.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Mark 1:35 “Early risers are to pray in the morning”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord thank you for each new day.


1. How do you spend the first hours of the day?

2. When do you take time for devotions and prayer?

3. Do you enjoy early morning worship and why or why not?

4. How long do you take before correcting a problem?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke    View Gary’s website, Encouraging Others in Christ


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