What difference does it make?

Hillary Clinton’s now infamous quote…

Image result for clinton

“What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?” 

Was it defensive, or prophetic?

It might be fair to ask, really… what difference does it make?

Does it matter that the emails during her entire tenure as Secretary of State were controlled by her own private server?  Now these important emails, which could reveal what happened in Benghazi may never be made available.

It could matter greatly, when it comes to her Presidential aspirations.  Then again, maybe not.  We could ask the same question on a number of other issues.

  • President Obama ignoring the Constitution and circumventing Congress with executive actions.

  • The Republican leadership giving him a pass rather than standing up to him.

  • Senate Republicans refusing to defend unborn children at 5 months of development.

  • Common Core

  • ObamaCare

On a State level, South Dakotans might ask the same question, in view of the fact that the State Legislature continues to move in the wrong direction despite efforts from conservatives, on many issues.

  • Millions of dollars in new taxes

  • DNA collection by the State on all children

  • Protecting religious freedom

  • Common Core

  • ObamaCare

Everywhere you look, freedom is losing battles to Liberal Democrats and Establishment Republicans.  Yes, conservatives manage to “win” a few battles.  Enough to cause them to believe there might still be hope.  BUT, despite the occasional victories that give some organizations fundraising opportunities and bragging rights, we are losing more than we are winning.  Power brokers with big money trump citizen efforts at every turn.  The establishment (both parties) are so firmly in control of State and Federal government that any attempt by citizen groups may simply be to no avail.

Freedom hangs in the balance.  The few, faithful, continue to fight the good fight.  As I watch the process, and the outcomes, I wonder if Hillary might have got it right.

“What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?” 

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

gh 4     “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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