Baby Liver For Sale $24,250.00

Abortion is BIG business.

stem express

The “harvested” body parts from children killed by abortion generate LOTS of money for lots of people.  Sometimes these parts are “harvested” while the heart of the unborn child is still beating.

Stem Express is one of the businesses that buys the parts (sometimes the entire body) of these children for resale.  The money stemadds up quickly.  One liver can go for as much as $24,250.00.  When you add up the money from all of the “parts” of one child, it is BIG business.  You can request a catalog of “parts” from Stem Express.  If you sign up for their newsletter, you can choose your personal areas of interest such as bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, isolated cells or other “products”.

It isn’t surprising that the CEO of Planned Parenthood earns over half a million dollars a year.

Several years ago a documentary film was produced about the abortion industry and how it exploits women.  A former abortion clinic owner describes the business plan.  Don’t fool yourself.  Abortion is about money… LOTS of money.  Here is a short preview of the movie, BLOOD MONEY.


Fortunately, there are dedicated people who are working hard every day to help women and save these little children.  One of those organizations is Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center in Rapid City.  They do a lot with very little.  You might want to consider helping them financially.

It’s ONE thing you can do to save children and help women.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”




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