Have You Met Your Membership Requirements?

At one time or another…

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…  many of us have had a notion to become a member of a certain exclusive club but the membership requirements were difficult to meet. That was part of what made it special. THE most prestigious club any of us should desire is the one we refer to as “The Redeemed in Christ”. Truth is there is no way you can buy your way into this group by means of your own choosing such as with money or good works for we see in Romans 3:20 that no one is justified (able to join) by their deeds.

Joining is actually quite simple. Romans 10:9 tells us we must make public confession our heartfelt belief that through Jesus Christ ALONE (John 14:6) we are saved. That alone will keep from our “club” the majority of the world including many who claim to be Christian but speak of their being multiple ways to salvation.

For those meeting the membership requirements we will be meeting in the most beautiful place ever which is Heaven. Now that we are in so to speak their are expectations of us. It is no different from any membership you hold that you need to and should desire to do whatever is necessary to be a member in good standing. For the redeemed David lays out for us in Psalm 24:4 the rules of conduct which include living a life of clean hands (do not become involved in that which is wrong); have a pure heart; trust God alone and not some false gods that pull you away from the one true God and ALWAYS speak truth based on God’s Word.

I believe once redeemed we need to make every effort to lead blameless lives always doing what is right in the eyes of the Almighty. For me to get to this point I (and I believe all of us) need to be broken. Born with a sinful nature like a wild stallion that must be broken. I had to come face to face with my sinful nature, confess it, repent of it and in faith pray for healing and the Lord to come in to heal my broken-hearted spirit (Isaiah 61:1). Having done so and now living by God’s grace I, as all of us can, have MET THE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Spiritual maturity comes with and develops as we fulfill our membership in our Master’s list of mankind’s redeemed.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Psalm 24:4 “Rules of conduct for the redeemed”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord continue to guide me as one of Your own.


1. Are you a member of the ‘Redeemed in Christ’?

2. How does one have a pure heart?

3. Do you believe that salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone?

4. Have you experienced brokenness?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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