Ultimate Authority

I am always amused at the games people play when it comes to gaining power over one another.

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We see this best in political battles discussed by the media 24/7 in an endless cycle and we see this in warfare as one group of people does battle with another. In both cases innocent victims suffer and die. One day that will end when Christ returns to earth but until then we need to understand where ultimate authority rests and it is not in any human hands.

Man should now, and one day in a very dramatic way will, understand the position of God as sovereign ruler of the universe and that begins with all Kingdoms on the earth (2 Kings 19:15). In fact it is clearly stated in Psalm 47:7 that God is King of all the earth. The battles we see today and that have taken place from the beginning of time acknowledge that as spiritual warfare is constantly before us. The battle between good and evil. The God of the Bible and all other false gods. These battles will not end until Christ returns.

Ultimate authority then does not rest in Washington,D.C., Iran or Russia but rests in the hands of He who sits on the throne in Heaven (Psalm 103:19) and as Christ Himself tells us in Matthew 5:35 begins with Jerusalem which on this earth is the city of the great King Who is our Lord and Savior.

The battle we now enter between Islamic terrorists and those who support them versus the free world may be that final war which will one day return Christ Who is the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY to earth and more specifically to Jerusalem.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: The Kingship of God should bring us to our knees before His throne.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Psalm 47:7 “God is ultimate authority”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord prepare me for spiritual warfare.


  1. Explain spiritual warfare?
  2. How does understanding God’s Kingship change your perception of those around us and their quest for power?
  3. How do you understand Islamic terrorism?
  4. Why will Christ return to Jerusalem?

gary jerke

  1. *** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

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