Transgenders Are Twisted

That’s essentially what Senator David Omdahl said.

Image result for school shower

And… he is right!

Omdahl is a State Senator from South Dakota.  The South Dakota legislature is considering a bill which deals with transgender use of school restrooms, locker rooms/showers.  House Bill 1008 says that the use of the public school facilities will be determined by the students BILOGICAL sex, not their sex of “preference”.  In other words, this bill would prevent boys from showering with girls and using the same bathroom as girls if they claim their sex preference to be female.  Really???

I was trying to be quiet on this issue, but the firestorm over this issue has called me out.

How sad that we have come to a place where the media and the homosexual advocates have joined forces to suggest that anyone supporting this legislation is the one who is “twisted”.

Senator Omdahl is exactly right when he said, “I’m sorry if you’re so twisted you don’t even know who you are”.  He is right, that we are sorry someone is so confused that they think they are a female in a male body, or visa versa.  He also got it right when he said transgenders should seek psychological help.

Thankfully, the bill has passed the House with only 10 “no” votes.  Now it is on to the Senate, then the Governor’s desk.  Should the Governor get limp wristed about the bill, it would likely become law without his signature, since it has such broad, veto-proof support.

Yes, we are called to love transgender people.  I’m sorry too… but it is not “normal” to be transgender, it is deviant.  Transgender students should NOT be sharing bathroom and shower facilities with students of the opposite biological sex.  That is wrong on so many levels.  The media who are attacking and vilifying Senator Omdahl may be the most “twisted” of all, along with the small minority of Legislators who voted against House Bill 1008.

There will be a lot of noise about Senator Omdahl’s remarks from the media and the looney left.  Their objective is to make morality and normality appear to be “twisted”.  Sorry folks, they have it upside down.

God bless Senator Omdahl, the sponsors and supporters of this reasonable legislation.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”



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4 comments for “Transgenders Are Twisted

  1. Jay
    February 5, 2017 at 2:32 pm

    The stupidity hurts.

    I am a female, and I have shared a couple of bathrooms with transgenders. And guess what? They didn’t harm me at all, or sexually harass me in any way. They were to busy putting on make up to give a crap about me. Shoot, I even once helped a transgender go into bathroom because she was so nervous and scared that she’d get beat up to a pulp.
    And in case you’re wondering, it’s more likely for a transgender to GET sexually assaulted/harassed than TO sexually harass or assault. I mean, 1 in 2 transgenders get sexually assaulted. And you think keeping these “sexual predators” as you call them in the same bathroom as your sons is any better, than oh boy, logic and critical thinking is not your specialty or strength.

    And they’re not confused. And its not a mental disorder AT ALL. A study shows in the American Psychology Association that transgenderism can’t be classified as a mental disorder since it doesn’t act as a mental disorder or fall into any of the criteria. Evidence, ” According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), people who experience intense, persistent gender incongruence can be given the diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” And all dysphoria is is feeling unsatisfied about something about you or life in general. And not only that, their minds correlate with the mind of the opposite gender. (By the way proof,

    This bathroom bill can be proven wrong oh so easily

    • February 5, 2017 at 8:38 pm

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. Respectfully disagreeing promotes healthy dialogue.

  2. Bob Lanier
    February 8, 2016 at 6:28 am

    Thanks Gordon for posting this we’ve been praying about these things for some time now. Time for the righteous people in the church and out of the church to stand up and let their voice be heard.

  3. February 7, 2016 at 8:41 am

    My Senator and friend had it right. The upside down-thinking members of the coffee audience are a strange bunch. Their collective groan upon hearing an unvarnished truth is a disconcerting example of a constituency effectively mired in political correctness. I cannot sympathize with them, or with those whom they support who insist on undermining our society.

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