Janette McIntyre On Medicaid Expansion

Some candidates like to keep you guessing.


Janette McIntyre isn’t one of them.  She continues to speak out clearly on important issues.  This is her recent statement on MEDICAID EXPANSION:

A hot topic for the next election.

Voters again have a choice. Governor Daugaard is contemplating a special session to consider Medicaid Expansion.

In a recent on air interview Representative Partridge now candidate for District 34 Senate stated that “he’s on the fence” on this issue and needs to hear more about it.

What that means is he will do what the Governor tells him to do.

Medicaid expansion is just another way of hanging the South Dakota taxpayers out to dry when it comes to paying for increased health care costs.

The smoke and mirrors of trying to convince us that the Indian Health Service coverage will come into the SD coffers to pay for this expansion is a joke.

Currently the IHS is underfunded from the Federal Government. Are we going to be able to make up that difference? I don’t think so. Where will THAT money come from?

I can assure you that voting for this expansion is a mistake and I will not vote for it.

I am not “ON THE FENCE.”

I am JANETTE MCINTYRE, Candidate for District 34 Senate and you will know where I stand on this issue before you vote June 7th.


It’s refreshing to have a candidate share their position on issues without  all the political fluff.

Good job Janette!

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”



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Learn more about Gordon: Texas Longhorn Cattle, Real Estate, Music and Politics at www.ghowie.com


2 comments for “Janette McIntyre On Medicaid Expansion

  1. Jim Schwietert
    May 3, 2016 at 3:42 pm

    I believe that it is about Medicaid expansion, not Medicare expansion, correct?

    • May 3, 2016 at 8:49 pm

      yes, thanks for catching the slip… title changed!

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