Lying Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz didn’t “endorse” Donald Trump.

Image result for ted cruz

In his speech to the Republican National Convention, Cruz spoke of values.  He encouraged people to vote.  He encouraged people to vote their values.  He didn’t, however, mouth the words “I endorse Donald Trump”.

The media and plenty of Republicans would brand Cruz a traitor.  Some openly called him a disgrace.  It is reported that Heidi Cruz, the Senator’s wife had to have an escort from the floor of the convention hall for her own safety.  It would make this conservative wonder, once again, if a committed conservative is really welcome in the Republican Party.


I also wonder how many times a person can be publicly called a liar, before you lose that lovin’ feeling.  Yes, I know the Scriptures about forgiveness.  I also know something about people who choose to be your enemy because you embody principles they find, shall we say, less than expedient for their own political agenda.  I understand when people committed to principle find it difficult or impossible to support someone who has a long record of not representing those principles.

It is a challenge to brush aside the over-the-top slander and disrespect Trump dished out to Cruz in the primary.  It wasn’t reserved only for Cruz, but certainly he was the recipient of a large dose.  Mocking a reporter’s physical disability, calling Fiorina ugly, referring to the Chinese as mother f***ers … those and many other personal attacks represent a character flaw that is hard to accept in a presidential nominee.  Senator Ted Cruz left the door wide open for voters to support Trump, despite the viciousness of the Trump attacks against him and others.  To expect much more from him would have been asking him to betray the principles he lives and fights for.

I conclude that Senator Ted Cruz has not betrayed the principles of conservatives.  He actually spoke in clear support of them in his speech.

I may end up voting for Trump.  I am still undecided and conflicted.  Voting is a sacred right and responsibility.  Forgive me if I am still struggling.

One thing on which I have no conflict.

I won’t be trashing Senator Ted Cruz.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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2 comments for “Lying Ted Cruz

  1. Dan
    July 21, 2016 at 10:20 am

    I have little doubt that Mr. Trump is running to insure that Hillarious will be elected. Did we so soon forget that the Trumps and Clintons were such “good friends”. The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for voting like Democrats. That is, voting without engaging their brain. We had much better qualified people for the Republican nomination but really, Trump? It would appear people are more than half a bubble off level. I am disgusted. I have not left the Republican party. They have left me. We need to turn to the Almighty, ask His forgiveness, and pray, pray, pray.

  2. July 21, 2016 at 6:07 am

    I completely agree (except for the possibility of voting for Trump–continually, his pathetic behavior re-burns the ashes of that possibility for me).

    As I recently told someone who claimed Cruz had reneged on his pledge to support the nominee…

    Trump first said he wouldn’t pledge to support the nominee.

    Then he did pledge to support the nominee. Probably after it became apparent from the mindless Trump-mania that he could, in his own words, “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”

    Then he openly revoked that pledge.

    So if you want to talk about double standards…

    But I wouldn’t expect a reasonable person to support a lying liberal scumbag like Donald Trump has turned out to be. As I pointed out in an earlier comment, while some of us, at least, always knew what a narcissistic liberal Trump is, it was hard for any rational person to be able to imagine ahead of time what a low-life scumbag and pathological liar Trump turned out to be. After all, spreading unfounded scandalous lies about a candidate, maligning the candidate’s wife, and even implying that the candidate’s father was involved in the assassination of JFK? What kind of crap is that, for a presidential candidate to be doing? You’d have to be some sort of disturbed masochist to fully endorse a scumbag who would smear you like that.

    Cruz did the best any reasonable person could do to support his party while remaining true to honor, integrity and principle–when dealing with a nominee who shares absolutely none of those traits.

    And to the best of my knowledge, Cruz never promised to endorse the nominee, only support him. And there is no better support that can be expected of an honorable man for a dishonorable one than to (a) call on voters not to stay home, and (b) support every candidate on the Republican ticket that they can according to conscience.

    After all, the STrumpets have proven that conscience isn’t something they’re heavily encumbered with, so that stipulation of Cruz’s isn’t going to deter their votes for Trump in the slightest.

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