The World We Live In

Having just returned …

Image result for cathedrals in europe

… from the land of my ancestors (Europe) I thought it important to share some perceptions. If Europe with centuries of history serves as a mirror of what younger nations (ex. USA) will one day look like then we have a problem.

Great Cathedrals once glorifying God now sit empty paying their bills through the sale of books and postcards and entrance fees for tourists. Yet the greater alarm remains the mindset of the European citizen in large part.

This was made clear when a guide showed us a Cathedral and then quickly added that the Bible is to a large extent myths and stories. Knowledgeable in matters of architecture, dates and facts the guide was blind to the truth of Scripture. Hearing him speak I was reminded of Ephesians 4:18. In this verse we read of how knowledge can lead to ignorance of that which is most important. That being our salvation.

The guide went on to say knowledge and faith are incompatible. He evidently did not realize most all our great universities came out of the church as well as some of the greatest thinkers of all time who were people of deep faith. He did not know or accept that all knowledge comes from God (Psalm 94:10). Knowledge is good only when grounded in faith.

Sadly there was a great deal more that this and another guide shared which showed the sad state of affairs our world is moving toward. In fact as the tour ended when asked the difference between the US and Europe he said: ” The US wants better for its children while in Europe we aren’t expecting better for our children”. With their one world anti-Christian bias it is no wonder.

If we as Christian believers don’t boldly proclaim and show our faith that is THE WORLD WE WILL ONE DAY LIVE IN.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Knowledge without knowing Christ is of no value.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Ephesians 4:18 “knowledge can be blind”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord fill me with your truth.


  1. What evidence exists that the Bible is not myths and made up stories?
  2. What unites knowledge and faith?
  3. How should you respond to ignorant speech?
  4. What heals the blindness of a heart?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a former S.D. State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerkeRead more from Gary at Encouraging Others in Christ


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