Watching The Heavens

I enjoy observing the skies.

For me it is better than anything man can do. It is like watching a movie produced and directed by God 24/7. The casting includes the sun, moon, stars and clouds and for special affects we have wind, moisture of various sorts and an occasional bird fly into the scene. This is just one of 3 major productions God has given us with the earth and the waters the other two.

As humans we often take for granted these wonderful miracles of creation so today for a moment we will look at some facts about the ‘natural heavens’ most important of which that they were created by God (Genesis 1:1). They did not come out of nothing without purpose. Not only did God create them but He “stretched them out at His discretion” (Jeremiah 10:12). As mankind in its limited wisdom tries to define space, time and matter, I believe God simply toys with us who think our knowledge is above or the match for that of the Infinite.

Time, space and matter are God’s to control and one day before introducing the New Heaven to His followers He will destroy the old heavens and earth (2 Peter 3:10). It is possible that signs of this are already in place. When this happens our future as believers is assured for we will experience an even more glorious New Heaven and New Earth where only righteousness will dwell (2 Peter 3:13). Sin and evil will be no more so keep WATCHING THE HEAVENS.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Happiness awaits those whose  spiritual heritage includes the New Heaven.DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: 2 Peter 3:13 “a new and much improved Heaven and Earth”.PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord I await your return.QUESTIONS TO THINK ABOUT:

  1. What is the purpose for God’s creation?
  2. Are there indications of the existing natural heavens and earth being in trouble?
  3. Where do we see God’s wisdom in the natural heavens?
  4. How do you appreciate creation especially the heavens?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a former S.D. State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerkeRead more from Gary at Encouraging Others in Christ


1 comment for “Watching The Heavens

  1. June 5, 2017 at 9:31 am

    Thank you Gordon for sharing my devotional post and others in the past. I will always appreciate your friendship and deep and abiding faith in our Lord and Savior. Keep looking up. Your friend in Christ, GLJ

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