Remembering Mr. Lincoln

Image result for abe lincolnAbraham Lincoln delivered a great speech on June 16,1858, that Galvanized many Americans toward the Idea that, “Our divided House could not long endure half slave and half free; Either the opponents will stop the spread of slavery and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of(headed for) ultimate extinction; or it shall be made lawful in all the states.”

Abe began his speech with this statement: “If we could first KNOW WHERE WE ARE, and WITHER WE ARE TENDING, we could then better JUDGE WHAT TO DO’ and HOW TO DO IT.”

Here is where we are! The Greatest and longest lasting Christian Constitutional Republic in Human History is Dying in a Cesspool of Lies, Evil and Ignorance. America’s House is heading for Destruction and the weight of Inertia is growing quickly.

Many Americans are Crying out to God!; “WHAT CAN WE DO TO SAVE OUR REPUBLIC.” AND HOW CAN WE DO IT?”

 I have come to understand the Responsibility of having been Trusted by God with so rich a Heritage of the Only True Faith in He who Blessed us with the Greatest Earthly Citizenship. I have 18 Grandchildren who are being splattered with filth and Darkness and are coveted by the Devil Himself and I know What must be done to protect them and their future, and how to do it. Some of my readers still love God and Country enough to Help me if I can Give you a Focused Plan that you can support.

The broad strokes of the plan to save our Christian Republic are simply: PRAYER, EDUCATION AND ACTION. Just as Pat Robertson said when he founded the Christian Coalition.

PRAY daily that you may know the Specific Truth of God’s plan for you and your family and His Holy Plan Reveled in TRUE HISTORY for the Greatest Country that ever existed, AMERICA. PRAY to become an instrument of God’s Truth to redeem and enlighten the lost and the deceived.

EDUCATE yourselves and your families with the Absolute Truth of God’s Holy Word to the point where you Rejoice in the Confident FREEDOM of sure Knowledge of Eternal Life to those who echo what Our Revolutionary Founding Fathers proclaimed, NO KING BUT KING JESUS.

TAKE ACTION that will stop Evil and advance Good. LET OUR LIGHTS SO SHINE THAT THEY WILL SEE OUR GOOD WORKS AND GLORIFY OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. When enough people know and stand up for Truth, TRUTH WILL PREVAIL.

Senator Gordon Howie has invited me to share articles with you on a regular basis and I intend to do that. Did you know that Christopher Columbus thought of himself as the Christ Bearer? My next article will be about that incredible, intrepid, Christian Explorer whose national holiday has been expunged from South Dakota and a couple of other ignorant states.

 *** Mark “The Freedom Poet” Skogerboe *** is a Life and Liberty News contributor and a lover of American freedom.  Mark has authored several books, hosted well known radio talk shows.  He has also appeared regularly on the Liberty Today television program.   His knowledge of history and our Founding Fathers makes him a popular speaker for conservative groups and rallies.


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