Random Thoughts Two

The Democrats haven’t been this angry since the Republicans ended slavery.

If Islam is so wonderful why do Muslims seek refuge in Christian countries?

The NRA is the only organization in America that is consistently blamed for actions its members don’t commit.

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them.

Why doesn’t Eminem write protest songs about all the Democrat politicians who bankrupt and ruined his hometown of Detroit?

Admitting that both parties routinely ignore the Constitution, reject the rule of law, and erode liberty is the first step to recovery.

From the You Can’t Make This Stuff Up Department: Hillary, “I give 10% of my income to charity every year and Weinstein’s donations will be part of that”

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man which he proposes to pay off with your money.

Don’t worry if people don’t like you. Most people struggle to like themselves.

If you eat today thank a farmer. If you eat in peace thank a veteran.

Five things liberals never seem to understand:

  1. “Free” does not actually mean free.

  2. You are not entitled to someone else’s hard earned money…ever.

  3. You cannot tax a nation into prosperity.

  4. The rich are not responsible for your financial situation…you are.

  5. Socialism leads to communism … always.

Fifty-nine are dead in the worst mass shooting in American History. In Chicago they call that August. At Planned Parenthood they call that Tuesday.

In America today every citizen is forced to buy health insurance yet everyone is not forced to prove they are a citizen. Many of those who refuse or cannot prove they are citizens receive free health insurance paid for by those forced to buy insurance because they are citizens.

In America today the federal government can listen to and record everything you say without a warrant and the person who tells us about it is a traitor.

Does anyone see a problem with a system that taxes you if you work and pays you if you don’t?

Trump says we are a nation of believers and that “together we are strengthened and sustained by the power of prayer.” Democrats want prayer out of the public sphere.

Trump called the Las Vegas shooting a “horrific mass murder” and an “act of pure evil.” Democrats blame the guns and want to take yours away.

Trump honored the heroes of Las Vegas, including the police officers and other first responders. Democrats elevate thugs and view our protectors in blue with disdain.

Trump quotes scripture. Democrats ridicule those who do.

Trump stresses unity. Democrats divide American society into victims and oppressors.

Trump says, “We love our country.” Obama went on an international apology tour.

Trump says, “We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life.” Democrats murder babies.

Trump says, “We believe in strong families.” Democratic policies pull them apart.

Trump says, “We are proud of our history.” Democrats tear down monuments.

Trump says, “We respect our great American flag.” Democrats take a knee.

In a DUI we blame the driver. In a bombing we blame the bomber. In a mass shooting we blame the gun.

Does anyone remember that after Pearl Harbor we declared war on Japan? We didn’t declare war on sneak attacks. Yet after 9-11 when fifteen of the 19 terrorists who flew planes into our buildings were citizens of Saudi Arabia associated with al-Qaeda (the others were from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Lebanon) we declared war on “Terrorism.” We knew the war was over when the delegates of Japan signed an unconditional surrender on the deck of the USS Missouri in Tokyo bay. How will we know when a war on terror is over?

Stand up for what’s right. Or you’ll fall for what’s wrong.

I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get the gators in the swamp to at least read the Constitution and I think I have a fool-proof plan. I put the entire constitution into the body of an email. That way at least the NSA read it. Now let’s hope they pass it along.

*** Dr. Robert Owens ***  is a Life and Liberty News contributor, College Professor and the author of a widely published weekly opinion column, The History of the Future which can be viewed at www.drobertowens.com.  He holds an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies, a Bachelor Degree in Religious Education, a Bachelor Degree in History, a Master’s Degree in Religious Education, a Master’s Degree in History, and a Ph. D. in Organizational Leadership. Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Religion, and Leadership. His books include; The Constitution Failed, The Azusa Street Revival, America Won the Vietnam War, COGIC History, The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same, Then Came Trump, America’s Trojan War, and Constitutional Philosophy in Action. All these books are available from Amazon.com.  Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com. Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens.



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