What Leftists Really DON’T Want

Firstly, they would prefer not to talk about being anti-God.

Image result for leftists

Before I get to the meat of the issue, a little housekeeping…

Several of my Liberal and/or Leftist friends had questions and comments about the article I penned in the early morning hours titled “What Leftists Really Want”. 

One of my Liberal friends wanted information on  my sources.  It seems like so much work to find ‘sources’.  I would prefer just to rant, without being required to document the validity of my early morning ramblings… but… I will give it a (marginal) attempt.

Another of my friends suggested that the article was ‘Overstated’, and that he knew several ‘committed Christians’ who are Democrats.  I have always wondered how a committed Christian can belong to the Democrat party, but to the issue of the article being ‘overstated’, I’ll just plead guilty.  I recognize I do have a propensity in that regard when trying to make a point.

Yet another Liberal/Leftist, who makes the assertion that he is NOT anti-God, just an atheist, was quick to correct my spelling.  (Many thanks for that.  I have corrected my misspelling of the word ‘criminal’ in the article).  He was very kind to compliment me on my Livestock expertise, mentioning that I know how to choose a Longhorn Bull.  Thanks for that too!

I will take a moment to say that I have some Liberal/Leftist friends (and relatives), many of whom are nice people.  I just have to remember that they occupy a different universe when it comes to spiritual reality.

Now, to some of the motivation for my article.

One example of how Leftists would make it criminal (correct spelling this time) to be a practicing Christian is the case before the Supreme (I wonder if they realize they are not actually ‘Supreme’) Court regarding the Christian who offered to sell a homosexual ‘couple’ any product in his store for their ‘wedding’, but refused to use his artistic talent to create a special cake for them.  He finds himself before the Supreme Court for following his conscience as a Christian, being charged with the ‘crime’ of discriminating against this homosexual duo.  I haven’t heard any Leftists defending the bakers right to practice his Christian faith.  I have heard many railing against the baker, in defense of the Debaucherous homosexuals ‘right’ to demand service of the Christian baker in violation of his faith.

In my view, that is a clear and convincing example of the criminalization of Christianity.  The Leftists are focused on defending the ‘right to sin’, but against morality.  Just for fun, I am including this excellent video discussing the issue of racial equality and the Democrat Party.

I would suggest that demonstrates an IMMORAL historical record.  It also serves as an example of the IMMORALITY pursued through Legislative and legal means.

Another area of Leftist immorality (where the ‘Supreme’ court is complicit) is the issue of abortion.  It is immoral to take the life of an innocent, unborn human.  Leftist insist that it is the ‘right’ of any mother to kill her unborn child.  Leftists are clamoring in protest against the Conscience Protection Act of 2017.  This Legislation would prohibit the federal government (and any state and local governments that receive federal funds for health services) from penalizing or discriminating against a medical professional who refuses to perform or assist an abortion procedure.  The position held by many/most Leftists is that Christians MUST provide abortion services even though it is clearly sinful in the eyes of God.  Being fired or otherwise penalized may fall short of criminalization, but comes very close to a dangerous line.

In hopes of ending the need to have further conversation on the subject as a whole, but in recognition that my Liberal/Leftist friends might want to continue:

I will conclude by saying that the Democrat Party is anti-God.  They continue to become more intolerant (in the name of tolerance)  of Christians who oppose their immoral policies.  The very foundation of tax and spend theology violates the moral principle of freedom.  Taking money from ‘the other guy’ so the government can do the ‘good works’ of benevolence is also at odds with Scripture, which requires it from the individual.  Using taxation to fund benevolence takes the individual off the hook, so to speak, from following the personal requirement to love your neighbor as yourself, as opposed to funding the government with other people’s money so the government can love your neighbor.

All law should be moral, as outlined in Scripture.  America, thanks to Leftists, moderate Republicans and an electorate with declining morality, has become a country that legislates immorality rather than morality.

Until, and unless we return to the God of our fathers, America will continue to decline.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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