Trump’s Most Significant Accomplishment

No President in modern times has been able to do what Trump has done.

Image result for president trump

He has so enraged Leftist that they are actually coming out of the closet to reveal who they really are.

Until now, Leftists have oft times presented themselves as reasonable and rational.  Not so any more.  It has become easier than ever to see the true colors of Leftists in BOTH parties.

Republican (?) Senators Flake (yes, that’s his real name) and McCain both went far out of their way to blast the President for calling out the fake media.  Holding the press accountable for their misrepresentations, mischaracterizations and outright lies is an obvious affront to free speech… in the eyes of these two Senators.  Kudos to President Trump for flushing them out!

Those Leftists who will admit they are liberal-minded, but still want to present the façade of being rational, are exposing themselves left and right (no pun intended).

Several telling characteristics and policy positions make it easy to identify just how far left these Leftists really are:

  • Restrict and end development of America’s coal, oil and natural gas.

  • Abortion on demand, at ANY stage of development.

  • Attack and accuse without any fact or substance.

  • Reject and malign real facts as false with no evidence or facts.

  • Name calling.

  • Re-define marriage and family.

  • Protecting and funding illegal immigrants at the expense of American citizens.

  • Intolerance of Evangelical Christians.

  • End military actions against our enemies.

  • ‘Win’ the war on terror with capitulation and soft words.

  • Reject morality regarding gender identification.

  • Normalize, promote and celebrate homosexuality.

  • Increase taxes on “the rich”.

  • Control society through excessive taxes, rules, laws and regulations.

  • Protect and celebrate pagan religions and those who practice them.

  • Demanding the exclusion of anything related to the name of Jesus.

  • Oppose economic development through capitalism and free markets.

Some have suggested the Leftists don’t have a plan, message or agenda.  Make no mistake… they have a plan.  They just don’t want you to understand what it really is.

It doesn’t take a genius to identify these Leftists.  They are SOOoooooo enraged at the effectiveness of this President they have simply gone off the deep end.  Their rhetoric is nothing more than that… rhetoric.  If this expose causes any Leftist to respond, it will likely include little or nothing other than an attack on the President’s behavior, fitness for office or character… thus expelling their typical smokescreen of accusation which avoids dealing with the real issue at hand.

What is the real issue???  Leftists, and their agenda have NOTHING to do with liberty and freedom.

Leftists want a Socialist America without a Christian morality.

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media

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