Leaving The Republican Party

It was 20 years ago that I entered politics in South Dakota.  As President of Custer County Republican Women I entered the race for District 30 House of Representatives.  Why did I do that?  I had young children and timing was not good.

I did it because a man changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican in order to oust the Republican incumbents Helena Hazzard (who had asked me if I’d run if she retired by the way) and Gordon Peterson.

After that primary I was, at that time, able to run as an Independent affiliated with the Republican Party.  The party didn’t support me.  Their position was, the Primary winners won fair and square, we can’t support you.  Even though they KNEW that I was the REAL REPUBLICAN!

It was only Governor Bill Janklow who called me one night and asked how I was doing and if I needed money.  I said, “Yes, no one will help me.”  He said, “Mary Jane and I will both send you a check.”  And they did.  Love him or hate him, Bill Janklow knew a Republican when he saw one.

Some things, even 20 years later, never change.  Except for the Governors.  The District 34 race where I ran for a House seat in the June 5th primary saw yet another recruited Democrat run for a Republican seat.  This year the Governor supported the Democrat convert against a known conservative Republican.

This isn’t sour grapes or whining about the election but rather a realty check for me. It should be for everyone who wants to put an R behind their name.  There are a few solid conservatives that continue to fight the good fight.  I sincerely wish them well and nothing would make me happier than for them to continue to achieve success one small step at a time.  I really mean that.  They are trying to take back a party that (in Reagan’s words) has left them.

I am a realist, not a pessimist or an optimist.  A realist.   I will never be part of the good old boy network.  Those of you who scoff at that term are part of it.  Those who agree with that term know it exists and can recognize those who are part of it and know you will never be invited into it.  Both groups know that’s true.

Those who truly represent the people and not the tax and spend mentality are becoming fewer and fewer.   Those who want to tax voters into oblivion have a way of justifying it with a “Government knows best” arrogant attitude.   The people are being ignored.

In my personal case, the party didn’t just leave me it worked against me. The Governor and others supported with donations and endorsements candidates not recognized as conservative and were successful in defeating many of them. That has been my experience not once but twice.  I’m usually a much quicker learner than that.

It is because of my experience over the last 20 years that today I will join the Constitution Party.  As a lifelong Republican I don’t believe that they are the party that best represents my philosophy of less government intrusion and less taxes.  My main issues of Right to Life and the 2nd Amendment are supported 100% by the Constitution Party, the only 3rd party that does.

I will also be a candidate on the November ballot for District 34 Senate on the Constitution Party and give voters a choice.  They can choose between two tax and spend candidates – one labeled Democrat and one labeled Republican or someone who will stand up to the tax and spenders.

My candidacy and campaign will be unique.  I will NOT accept PAC donations of any kind.  If the people of South Dakota and District 34, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians and No Party designations want a representative not in the pocket of special interests with absolutely no conflicts of interest then I am that candidate.    I will welcome their support.  I can assure you my opponents will not make that same pledge.

Some may say that to bail out and not stay to try to make the changes needed to get the party back to what some of us want it to be is spineless.  I can assure you my spine is just fine and I will always stand up for what is right for the voters, even when it isn’t popular.  Agree or disagree I will respect your opinion, but this is mine.

*** Janette McIntyre *** is an author, training & development manager and Life and Liberty News contributor

SFA 0222 Janette McIntyre MUG


10 comments for “Leaving The Republican Party

  1. Real Conservative
    June 24, 2018 at 3:35 pm
  2. Tara Volesky
    June 23, 2018 at 1:58 pm

    Janette is a true Conservative. We need more Republican Conservatives like Janette that will make a bold move and run as true Republican Conservatives on the Constitutional ticket.

  3. Anon to avoid rhetoric
    June 21, 2018 at 2:53 pm

    Also, Mrs. Janklow is Mary Dean, not Mary Jane…

    • Janette
      June 25, 2018 at 11:41 am

      Honestly sorry about the wrong name, I stand corrected.

  4. Anon to avoid rhetoric
    June 21, 2018 at 1:48 pm

    That narrative sounds good but it’s not supported by the facts. This uninfluenced national CONSERVATIVE organization evaluates all legislators nationwide with no bias. Noem picked Rhoden, the highest SD scoring on a conservative platform (95% lifetime). We need to look at facts, not opinions. You can find the facts here:

    Here is our South Dakota legislative scorecard:

    And here is the link where you can view all our other state scorecards as well as Congress: http://acuratings.conservative.org/

    • Rick Kriebel
      June 24, 2018 at 8:48 pm

      If Rhoden is the highest score you have you have zero credibility on top of the fact you are posting anonymously. Lifetime ? does that include the years he was a Democrat ? Citizens for Liberty of SOUTH DAKOTA gave Rhoden a score of 31.6% for 2018, a hair above the best Democrat score, and 3 democrats actually outscored him in the state senate, one by a wide margin. 24 Legislators outscored him in the house and 23 in the senate, 47 out of 105, hardly top of his class.

      You did not rebut a single thing she said in the article, why not if you disagree ?

      • Real Conservative
        June 25, 2018 at 8:46 am

        Rhoden is a liberal former Democrat and simply does not deserve the support of Republicans. Further, Noem is moderate to leftward leaning and needed a strong Conservative to round out the ticket but chose a liberal Democrat. Noem is also not deserving of the support of Republicans.

        There is something seriously wrong with the Conservative Union “scorecard” for the SD legislature — either the methodology is seriously flawed, or they neglected to take into account committee votes, or it is politically biased to support liberal/moderate Republicans (former Democrats).

    • Beth Braun
      June 26, 2018 at 2:19 pm

      Rhoden is no conservative!!!

  5. Nancy Lester
    June 21, 2018 at 12:14 pm

    100% agree! And I am totally with you & in support of you! Finally a voice for the taxpayers!!
    I encourage everyone in the State & esp District 34 to support this worthy honest candidate. We will all be better by having her in Pierre respresenting us & not special interests. Kudos Janette!! 🇺🇸

    • Anon Legislator not in her district
      June 24, 2018 at 6:56 am

      Amen and Amen Nancy.

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