Obama is having some bad political days

By Ed Randazzo

Obama is out on the campaign trail where he is most comfortable. The travelling teleprompter show plays well for him. He’s a consumate campaigner, comfortable in that arena. That is in sharp contrast to his performance in office.

This weekend Newt Gingrich managed to firmly place his foot in his mouth on Meet the Press. When asked by host David Gregory whether Republicans should move, as Paul Ryan’s proposed FY2012 budget does, to change Medicare into a program that gives “premium support,” Gingrich offered this answer: “I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate. I think we need a national conversation to get to a better Medicare system with more choices for seniors.” What has come over Newt? He was once the conservatives’s conservative. Now he’s speaking RINO fluently, apparently abandoning his conservative roots. Bye-bye, Newt. You wont win a primary that way. Bad news for Obama ’cause Newt-lite is beatable by Obama.

Ron Paul shot himself in the foot Sunday too in an interview by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday when he reiterated his objection to the raid in Pakistan that resulted in the assassination of Osama bin-Laden because we did not advise the Pakistani’s of the mission in advance.  Paul added: “You know, why are we having trouble with the (Pakistani) government? Why are we stirring up a civil war in Pakistan? It’s because we’ve been bombing them.”

But between Paul’s criticism of our killing Osama bin-Laden (the way we did, anyway) and his public support of the legalization of all drugs.  Ron Paul is a political dead man walking when it comes to the race for the presidency.

Once again, bad news for Obama because Paul is beatable by Obama.

More bad news for Obama….the “bounce” he got in the polls following the bin-Laden assassination is gone. The new Gallup poll shows Obama’s popularity slipping 2 points in one week.

I’m thinking the polling data inside the Obama campaign is pointing to defeat, so expect the president to move to the center-left. He’s already announced that he will encourage more domestic oil drilling, even in the Gulf of Mexico.

Well we got used to a gekko selling insurance, I guess we can get used to Obama selling oil leases.


1 comment for “Obama is having some bad political days

  1. Mr. Smith
    May 17, 2011 at 11:38 pm

    Barring any monumental and unforeseen occurences President Obama will be all but unbeatable in 2012. I’d consider voting for a GOP member, if they could just present a realistic candidate. Notihng so far and they’re running out of time.

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