Obama’s weekly address

Instead of waiting in line for a peek at Sarah Palin’s emails, the media should have tuned in to Obama’s weekly address on Saturday,  6/11/2011.

I do believe he is starting to get the idea that he is not going to be able to blame “Dubya” for our economic predicament any longer. Seventeen months ago Obama took office preaching hope and change. We have gotten the change…….the economy is worse and the hope is that we can somehow survive until 2013 when a new leader will take the helm.

Obama actually admitted that the “government is not – and should not be – the main engine of job-creation in this country.” There was no admission however, that during his watch the only job growth has been in government!!!

The good news he said, was that “one thing government can do is partner with the private sector to make sure that every worker has the necessary skills for the jobs they’re applying for.”  Mr. Obama, the private sector doesn’t need partners. What the private sector needs is sound fiscal and monetary policies and a fair tax code. Our workers don’t need job skill training……they need jobs!!!

Don’t go away now…there’s more.  Obama then announced “commitments by the private sector, colleges, and the National Association of Manufacturers that will make it possible for 500,000 community college students to get a manufacturing credential that has the industry’s stamp of approval.”  What will be stamped…..their unemployment applications?

He then launched into touting wind power, solar power, etc. which gave me a case of MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over) that somehow would make a difference “in people’s lives” soon. (I think that paragraph was left over on the teleprompter from some previous speech.)

But the last part of the address was the real ironic part. He said, “the folks I hear from in letters or meet when I travel across the country – they aren’t asking for much. They’re just looking for a job that covers their bills. They’re just looking for a little financial security. They want to know that if they work hard and live within their means, everything will be all right.”

My thought was:   When is the government going to live within its means?

