Gun Rights-Obama’s Under the Radar Plan

The Obama “Under the Radar” gun control plan gained some altitude last month and will soon pop up on our radar screens. Your gun rights are under attack via the UN with the eager support of Obama, Clinton and Holder.

We have been somewhat distracted recently by the dour economic news and the frenzied media hype warning of the fear of default but the anti-gunners have been hard at work conspiring to advance gun control through the United Nations. The globalists want to control guns, even small arms in the US and Obama just wants control.

Your gun rights are most assuredly under attack.

A controversial UN proposed treaty aimed at regulating guns worldwide known informally as the ‘Small Arms Treaty,’ contains language aimed at taking guns out of the hands of Americans and circumventing the 2nd Amendment.

Last month a UN committee met in New York and signed off on several provisions, including the creation of a new UN agency to regulate international weapon sales, and require countries that host firearms manufacturers to set up a compensation fund for victims of gun violence worldwide.

The real problem will emanate from the establishment of the “Implementation Support Unit” (ISU) that would administer the treaty. Under the latest draft of the treaty, every country would be required to submit a report to the ISU outlining “all activities undertaken in order to accomplish the implementation of this Treaty, including… domestic laws, regulations and administrative measures.”

It also requires countries to set up their own government agencies to track any guns that could be exported. “Parties shall take all necessary measures to control brokering activities taking place within its territories … to prevent the diversion of exported arms into the illicit market or to unintended end users,” the draft reads.

The vague wording leaves room for interpretation, and a UN representative for a major US gun manufacturer was heard saying that he believed it left room for the ISU to declare the registration of all American-made guns to prevent illegal exportation.

“Does this mean it’s going to impose some international gun registration scheme? That could happen here, under the treaty,” said the gun manufacturer representative.

An especially costly potential regulation discussed at the conference last month would require gun makers to engrave sequential tracings on every one of some 3 billion bullets produced in the US each year.

Read more about Freedom and Guns here.


1 comment for “Gun Rights-Obama’s Under the Radar Plan

  1. Anon
    August 7, 2011 at 8:34 am

    “Your gun rights are most assuredly under attack.”

    When your under attack, call for backup

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