Elites Use Media and Educational System to Promote a Perverse Melting Pot

All over the world, regions stand where nations once stood.  The world is on the cusp of a revolution in political arrangements, as the citizens of the world are losing control with hardly a word spoken…

     That the American intellectual and political elite are striving for world government is incontrovertible.  But what do they actually gain if they succeed?  Whatever power or wealth they have been promised surely could not be as great as what they already have with a strong America.  But what’s to say the promisors won’t renege on their pledges once America has lost the privilege of the last word?  Right now, America is the guarantor of international justice, but if America is destroyed, so ultimately is this accountability.  Besides, assuming our leaders obtain their coveted positions in the new order, they will still have to share power with numerous bureaucrats from hundreds of other states. Why not just stay America? — John Griffing

Like water flowing into a sewer, peoples not fit for self governance will fall under the rule of regional elites.  In America, our “educators” and “free traders” are conditioning the electorate to root for this.  It’s like, “Please, let me vote once and for all so I never have to really vote again.”  Once we’re doped up (and I do mean doped up) in this way, we’re all in.  OWS is not defeated merely because it’s eventually flushed from downtowns.

      Its roots are already deep in the addled minds that run our institutions.  Elites are alarmed that there’re too many people with too much access to too powerful technology.  The money that elites will commit to the general election this time around will be jaw dropping to behold.  Useful idiots always line up to march into servitude so long as free dope is held out all along the way while big media applauds.  The religion of the Dopiest Generation: There’s one god and Dopeall is his name.

Read more. . .



5 comments for “Elites Use Media and Educational System to Promote a Perverse Melting Pot

  1. October 16, 2014 at 9:33 pm

    Thanks for using my collage…the so-called masthead poster above (The Politic Elite)
    To Brad above… I didn’t have space for all of the liberals.

    • October 16, 2014 at 9:43 pm

      That should be Brad below…

  2. November 15, 2011 at 8:49 pm

    Good Lord, Brad. You actually believe these fairy tales? You can’t build a base in the Democratic Party with foolishness like this, because we’re rational. Quit looking for UN Boogeymen under your bed. Face real problems: income inequality and corporate domination of media and politics.

    • November 17, 2011 at 8:58 pm

      What’s this, Corey? A slap at gays (fairy tales)? And where I was raised that “Boogeymen” word was a racial slur. Tell you what, you send me your paycheck and I’ll check out this income inequality issue.

  3. Brad Ford
    November 15, 2011 at 9:41 am

    The masthead poster above, of course, doesn’t display all of those liberals in the Republican Party who deserve to be included. Similarly, you won’t find conservative Democrats in the panoply.

    The Brock Adams boxed quote correctly identifies those values where conservatives from both parties are making their final stand. Tellingly, Adams has already distanced himself.

    Isn’t it time for the Tea Party to build up its base within the Democratic Party? Don’t choices liberate? Should the left remain unchallenged by heritage-oriented citizens remaining in its ranks?

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