Conservative (Tea Party) Christian Candidates Must Redeem The Republican Party

Some Tea Party members do not consider themselves Christian.  Some Christians are definitely not Tea Party types.

If you are one or the other there tends to be a certain level of tolerance.  If you happen to be both, brace yourself… YOU ARE A RADICAL!!

What seems to be puzzling to many is the term “conservative Republican”.  The definition of that term has changed over the last few years, but has gone largely un-noticed.  Today, you can call yourself a conservative Republican even if you support one or more of the following:

  • Tax increases (yes, fee increases are tax increases)
  • restriction on personal freedom
  • abortion in some form
  • removal of God, or reference to God, in government
  • inclusion of homosexuals and lesbians in “marriage”
  • homosexual or lesbian odoptions
  • government control of health care or business
  • gun control
  • “green energy” mandates
  • government solutions enstead of private sector free market solutions

Recent voting score cards in South Dakota show that a majority of “conservative Republicans” embrace many of these positions.  How can that be??  It is really very simple.

“Conservative Republican” doesn’t mean what it used to. 

If you are opposed to ALL of the above, you are no longer a “Conservative Republican”.  You are a RADICAL.

So, let’s define “Radical”.  The definition is ” A person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform”.

It’s time for a new breed of politicians.  Conservative (Tea Party) Christians.  It isn’t enough to be Tea Party if you are wrong on faith and family issues.  And, sadly, it isn’t enough to be Christian if you are wrong on fiscal and freedom issues.

We need Conservative (Tea Party) Christians to rise up and lead.  The term our adversaries will use is “RADICAL”.  Call it what you will, Conservative Christian or Radical.  Nothing else will do.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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