Conservative Christians Can Save America

It seems like our State and Nation are in a continuous campaign mode.  Unfortunately, it seems the focus of most politicians is their own re-election, rather than taking a stand for what is right.

In South Dakota, the Republican Party leaders have become intoxicated with power.

They have thrown conservative Christians out of the Republican Caucus… Literally!

Just this week, they denied victims of sexual abuse the right to justice in a court of law.

About 80 of our current Legislators signed on to a bill that would have removed our State motto, “Under God The People Rule”, from the flag.

They have led the way for NEW tax increases this year, escalating court document fees by over 60%.

They have obstructed the Legislation of conservative Legislators.

They have threatened conservative Legislators with punishment if they did not “fall in line” with leadership.

They have removed Representative Nelson (a conservative Christian) from the Ag committee.

They have changed seating arrangements on the House floor as “punishment”.

They have withheld research from Legislators on important bills.

NOW, the Republican leadership is trying to create a SOUTH DAKOTA “SUPER COMMITTEE”… a full-time, appointed group of leadership to “steer” the state.

Seriously, haven’t you about had enough of this??

During the 2010 Republican primary, I recorded a video message to conservative Christians.  Yes, I know the election is over!  Still, this message seems even more important today than it did then.  Listen to see if you agree: (just ignore the Gordon for Governor slide at the end of this one minute message)

Now, if you are ready to do something, contact me to find out how you can become a candidate, or how you can help someone else who shares your conservative Christian values. 

my email is

Together, we can restore conservative Christian principles in our State and our Nation.


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


1 comment for “Conservative Christians Can Save America

  1. Robin Dimaio
    February 9, 2012 at 4:00 am

    Thank you for this link this AM. I am past fed-up….This Protestant has no more cheeks to turn. I am thinking of my Lord clearing off the temple steps on the Sabbath from all the money changers. It’s time! Robin Dimaio Yonkers NY

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