Republican Leadership’s Behavior in South Dakota House is Shameful

The following is a copy of an email to all members of the South Dakota Legislature, except the leadership, by Senator Bill Napoli (Retired) on Monday, February 13, 2012.

Senator Napoli’s conservative credentials are unquestionable. His honesty, integrity and his insight and courage in the line of fire are legend.

His words below are eloquently perfect and are published here with his permission.



Greetings my Fellow Legislators,


As a former member of the House and Senate, plus a term as the assistant majority leader, I find it imperative that I write you.


Though I have retired from the legislature, the absurd actions in the House Republican Caucus has caused me enough heartburn that I feel I need to give you some history.


I first went to Pierre as an un-paid volunteer activist in 1972, and I never missed a session in 36 years.  I was there during the Joe Barnett era.  An era of Pocket Vetoes. Closed committee hearings. Legislators unable to even testify on behalf of their own bills.  Committees posted only five minutes before the hearings.  Limited testimony. The public unable to testify at a hearing, much less attend one.


If a legislator made Barnett unhappy, not only did that legislator’s bills never see the light of day, that legislator most likely would never speak on the floor again.


In 1995, my first year as a House member, many of Barnett’s legacies were still in place.  Only through the efforts of five or six dedicated House members, myself included, did the fight start to bring you the open legislature you enjoyed until this year.



Even though we were attacked, isolated, and our legislation held hostage, there was so much at stake for independent legislators to vote their conscience, that we pressed on for change.   A change you enjoyed until now.


The fiasco in Pierre is unbelievable.  All we worked for is disappearing.  You are losing your right to be an independent legislator, to vote your conscience, and to represent your constituents, as you see fit. 


The arrogance of this Speaker, violating the House Rules with no challenge.  The majority leader attempting to subvert his equals, with outright threats and bullying.  The expelling of legislators from caucus. The threats to isolate members.  The suppression of legislators use of the Red Book, (Rules), concerning smoke outs, are the dark days of Joe Barnett returning with absolute and total control of the caucus through threats and intimidation by the present leadership. 


I understand there are few of you fighting back.  For those of you sitting quietly while your fellow members are being attacked and vilified, “SHAME”.  Do you think these horrendous actions will not happen to you if you displease the leadership?


You are all elected equally by your constituents.  Leadership however only has the power that you give them.  “You” by your quiet acquiescence is handing over to leadership, total power over you and your bills.


Allowing this bullying of your fellow members, by leadership, you are setting in motion more of the same shameful action with the new leadership next year, only more so.  Soon, you will be nothing more than good little soldiers serving at the whim of the leadership, with permission given to introduce a bill ONLY after the leadership has given you their blessing.


Sound extreme?  It has happened before, and now it is happening again.


William Pitt, the Elder, The Earl of Chatham and British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1778,

“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it.”


Think long and hard before you allow this suppression of your equality as an elected state legislator to continue.


State Senator Bill Napoli (Retired)


***Ed Randazzo, is a nationally syndicated author. He has been a conservative activist and consultant for over 30 years and is currently the Chief News Editor of Life and Liberty Media***



5 comments for “Republican Leadership’s Behavior in South Dakota House is Shameful

  1. Barb Landers
    February 15, 2012 at 3:46 pm

    Right on the mark, Bill. The arrogance of the SD Republican leadership matches that of the DC crowd. Sadly, it is many, but not all, of our local Pennington County legislators, lead by Rep. David Lust, who are leading the marching band of merry legislators down the path to personal power and away from the people who put them into office.

  2. Bonnie Redden
    February 14, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    Good Job ,Bill.I spent last week at session and sess pool is a good discription–there are very few people there who even care what goes on–they live for their own little agenda and smile and nob yes –a lot.The time of reason is long gone and civilized behavior is looked at as weakness.I am seldom at a loss for words and I can’t even think of one word for Rousch–or however his name is spelled.A—–e comes close.

  3. Tonchi Weaver
    February 14, 2012 at 1:24 pm

    You hit that ball out of the ballpark, Bill. This leadership group has just put on a seminar on how to repress legitimate opposition and disenfanchise entire districts. These are the same cowards that will not stand up to the Federal Government on behalf of the citizens of our sovereign state to repeal driver’s license rules or the tryannical health care laws that increase costs and reduce access to care – actually block access to care. I don’t know what motivates them, but power is an aphrodisiac and we are the ones getting….well, you know.

  4. gordon howie
    February 14, 2012 at 9:13 am

    Retired…. for the moment

  5. Fay
    February 14, 2012 at 8:25 am

    So who is doing this and exactly what is happening?

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