Votes Supporting ObamaCare Hidden From View

Wouldn’t you like to know who REALLY supports the implementation of ObamaCare in South Dakota?

Take a look at these Republican leaders to see what they are “doing”.

Picture of Representative Justin Cronin

Votes are much more revealing than rhetoric.  Unfortunately, some of these votes were hidden from our view.

HB 1220 was a “feel good/look good” bill which really doesn’t do anything, but gives the appearance of having done something.

The bill as written (and passed) has NO EFFECT whatsoever unless ObamaCare is found to be unconstitutional IN WHOLE.  When an amendment was offered by Representative Lance Russell to make it effective in the repeal of ObamaCare (adding “all or in part“), it was quickly voted down on the House floor.  Isn’t it odd that these votes seem to be “hidden” somewhere?  Fortunately, we do have a picture of the recorded vote for you to see.  A “NO” (red) vote is a vote to SUPPORT OBAMACARE.  It is worth noting that Representative Stace Nelson had a bill that would have required all votes to be available for viewing on the Legislative website, HB1141.  This leadership team,  Lust, Rausch, Gosch and Cronin KILLED that bill quickly.  (a “yes” vote killed this bill)

Look closely and you will see the House leadership in lock step on this vote against Rep. Russell’s amendment for HB 1220… Lust, Rausch (mr. speaker), Gosch and Cronin all voting to kill the amendment, continuing their support for the Governors agenda to implement ObamaCare.

This leadership team works under cover of darkness.  Not allowing recorded votes on the floor of the House, threatening and punishing Republicans who DARE to call for recorded votes, IGNORING constitutionally required votes to take place and taking us farther down the track on the ObamaCare Express.

Two other bills were offered which would have stopped the Governor’s implementation of ObamaCare in South Dakota.  HB 1165 and HB 1167 were written to repeal the latest components of ObamaCare that were signed into law last year.

 Here is the link to the vote on HB1165 (a “yes” vote kills the bill, thereby supporting ObamaCare) 

Here is the link to the vote on HB1167 (a “yes” vote kills the bill, thereby supporting ObamaCare)

 Once again, note the leadership team,Lust, Rausch, Gosch and Cronin,  votes in lock step to support the Governor’s agenda to implement ObamaCare.

Last year, the Governor brought two bills to implement ObamaCare, SB38 and SB43.  The State has taken at least one million dollars from the Federal Government so far to implement ObamaCare.  This year, the Lt. Governor has provided “talking points” for Legislators so the administration and leadership could ensure the killing of all bills that would stop the ObamaCare Express.

Who has refused to sign the pledge to REPEAL ObamaCare??  You guessed it!!!  Lust, Rausch, Gosch and Cronin

We are NOT name calling or launching any personal attacks.  Just the facts… and the votes.



7 comments for “Votes Supporting ObamaCare Hidden From View

  1. May 13, 2012 at 9:12 am

    Don’t forget who killed our last, best hope of stopping Obamacare. Lora Hubbel’s bill, HB1160, requiring Legislative approval before setting up a Health Care Exchange, passed the House overwhelmingly only to be killed in the Senate Committee. RAMPELBERG and KRAUS were the local politicians who voted it down. They were joined by Bradford, Jean Hunhoff, and Schlekeway. Only one, Holien, voted to save the bill.
    Obviously, the word must have come down from the leaders and the
    Governor’s people that this bill had to be killed.

  2. DPMT
    May 12, 2012 at 7:38 pm

    Kirkeby has to be one of the biggest hiney kissers we’ve had in years! We definitely need to vote him out!!

  3. May 12, 2012 at 10:14 am

    At Barb Landers I think you forgot Rep. Steele, but I agree with everything you said I live in dist. 35 and am going to do all I can to get Mark Kirkiby out and someone who is a true conservative and votes on principle not for a supreme being or any other non constitutional B.S. Also as far as I can tell Don Kopp voted for this bill which shows a back bone and principle in my eyes so I may have to contact him at some point and support him in the next election. This is the stuff we all need to know about, if we continue to not care about local politics it will only get worse and worse as time goes by and before you know it the United Nations and homeland security is marching down the street in full military gear! So lets take care of this now!

  4. Florence Thompson
    February 22, 2012 at 6:52 pm

    I’ve been told that current Lt. Gov. Matt Michaels was an attorney for one of the big Sioux Falls Hospitals and that he was brought into the Zaniya Project by then Lt. Gov. Daugaard to provide his expertise in Health Care Law. (Talk about a fox in the henhouse!)
    Can anybody verify this?

    Also at every hearing I attended involving Obamacare Repeal or Limitations, the testimony was always the same:
    1. The Insurance Companies want it left in place.
    2. The Hospitals want it left in place.
    3. The Governor’s Lobbyists(the Bureauracracy)want it left in place.
    4. All of the Democrats want it left in place.
    5. All of the Republicans “say” they oppose Obamacare, but most of them voted to keep it.

  5. Barb Landers
    February 21, 2012 at 11:32 am

    The “Lust for Power” is alive and well in the SD legislature. But let us not forget those legislators who stood against the exeuctive branch’s storm troops (the blue badge lobbyists) and the Republican henchmen in the House and Senate leadership, those 16 brave legislators who voted for this bill and against ObamaCare in SD: Representatives Brock Greenfield, Dist. 6; Jenna Haggar, an independent from Dist 15; Jon Hansen, Dist. 25; Steve Hickey, Dist. 9; Lora Hubbel, Dist. 11; Phil Jensen; Dist. 33; Don Kopp, Dist. 35; Brian Liss, Dist. 13; Patti Miller, Dist. 16; Stace Nelson, Dist. 25; Betty Olson, Dist. 28B; Lance Russell, Dist. 30; R. Shawn Tornow, Dist. 14; Rep. Ed Van Gerpen, Dist. 19; Mike Venner, Dist. 24; and Mike Verchio, Dist 30.
    Rep. Mark Kirkiby, from Dist. 35, has stated that Gov.Daugaard is “the Supreme Being” of the Republican Party and that he, Kirkiby, will vote for whatever legislation the Governor wants. The legislators who voted yes on this bill have demonstrated that they cannot be bullied into voting against their good judgment and they will not vote in lock-step for the Governor’s agenda.

    • sham-i-am
      May 19, 2012 at 3:43 pm

      Don’t forget the fearless Rep. Manny Steele….he’s one heck of a patriot.

  6. Stan Thony
    February 21, 2012 at 6:51 am

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

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