Stan Adelstein, SD State Senator from District 32, (Rapid City) who claims to be a Republican, has endorsed Democrat Scott Heidepriem for Governor of South Dakota and Democrat Tom Katus for Treasurer.

I endorse Mr. Adelstein for RINO of the Year and nominate him for the Un-Nobel Prize for Hubris.

It is time for the Pennington County Republican Party to disassociate itself from Mr. Adelstein. Stop feeding at the Adelstein trough and muster the intestinal fortitude to end this shameful relationship. You have allowed Mr. Adelstein to buy you and it’s very unattractive.

Mr. Adelstein is no Republican and you know it. Is there any sentence or any word of the Republican Party platform that he supports?  You have enabled him to act as a petulent child and flagrantly support and finance liberal candidates of any party affiliation and still retain his support by the Pennington County GOP.

The true conservatives are the future of the Republican Party and soon they will sweep away the vestiges of the “big-tent” liberal-friendly GOP. If you do not take the lead in cleaning house of RINO’s like Mr. Adelstein, you will be swept out with him.

Quiet acceptance of Mr. Adelstein or his “strings-attached” money will not cut it. Act boldly now or suffer the consequences later.

Your move, Pennington County GOP.

Ed Randazzo



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  4. Independent
    October 29, 2010 at 8:54 pm

    This post on Adelstein should suffice.

    “Mr. Adelstein is no Republican and you know it.” You’ve judged him to be deceitful, enrolled in a party he does not represent or believe in.

    “Quiet acceptance of Mr. Adelstein or his “strings-attached” money will not cut it. Act boldly now or suffer the consequences later.” You’ve judged him to be dishonest, alleging his character is deficient, and his office is financially obligated to outside interests.

    “You have allowed Mr. Adelstein to buy you and it’s very unattractive.” You have judged both Senator Adelstein and all Republicans who voted him into office.

    “If you do not take the lead in cleaning house of RINO’s like Mr. Adelstein, you will be swept out with him.” You’ve judged Senator Adelstein unworthy of holding a Republican office.

    It’s a plain as the nose on your face. You judge others with virtually everything yoiu write, or will write. Unless of course you start acting more like a Christian, and stop writing like a judgmental fundamentalist.

    • Ed Randazzo
      October 30, 2010 at 5:35 pm

      All of the above are not judgments (in a Biblical or moral sense), they are my conclusions, my opinions based on the facts as I see them. I don’t believe Mr. Adelstein is dishonest but disingenuous because he does not support nearly all the planks of the Republican Party. You are also failing to grasp the main thrust of the post which is that the Pennington County GOP does a great disservice to the GOP by continuing to embrace Mr. Adelstein. If not true to the principles and tenets of the GOP, their current leadership will surely be replaced. I am surprised at your basic misunderstanding of language unless, of course, you are just being facetious.

      • Independent
        October 31, 2010 at 6:44 pm

        Why don’t you go ahead and enlighten me then. Please define what a “judgement” is. I suspect you have taken the liberty to assign your own meaning to the word as it applies to God’s word.

        • Ed Randazzo
          October 31, 2010 at 8:48 pm

          Oh no, no, no. Why would I challenge one such as your self who sets himself up as omniscient. Shall we bow to whatever you say? Count me out.

          • Independent
            November 1, 2010 at 6:34 pm

            You can’t comment because “judgement” is not defined in your Bible. But I think it’s obvious to anyone reading your comments you hvae judged Senator Adelstein. No one’s perfect, according to your faith all you have to do is ask forgiveness and your slate is wiped clean.

          • Ed Randazzo
            November 3, 2010 at 5:47 am

            But judgment of the Lord God will come. We must accept Jesus Christ in our hearts and serve Him. It is by His death and resurrection that the guilt of our sins is wiped clean and w will have everlasting life.

          • Independent
            November 3, 2010 at 10:32 am

            I believe the Messiah has yet to come. The King of the Jews will come to earth, and He will bring peace on earth among all men, becaues all men will follow Him.

          • Ed Randazzo
            November 4, 2010 at 9:15 pm

            Good luck with that at judgment as you stand before God.

  5. October 27, 2010 at 12:54 pm

    I normally support allowing people who may have some liberal tendencies to join the GOP, provided they see eye to eye with us on at least a few key areas–and, of course, that they don’t work against the party’s interest.

    But when it comes to Democrats in Republican clothing, this scheister takes the cake. I know he beguiles a lot of the establishment types in the GOP with his money bags, but there should come a point in the chain of betrayal and contempt when the GOP says, “Thanks but no thanks. Take your money bags and get out.”

    This guy not only betrays foundational Republican principles and values, but betrays the party electorally by spending tens of thousands of dollars supporting Democrats.

    When will the GOP grow some anatomy and tell this liberal to take a hike?

    • Independent
      October 27, 2010 at 9:17 pm

      Bob Ellis,
      “Scheister?” You’re blinded by your fundmentalism. Senator Adelstein has undoubtedly done more good for his fellow man than you have. And unlike you he does not judge others quite so harshly as you do. Your post compels me to ask, what would your Christ think of it? Of your narrow-mindedness and judgemental behavior? I know, the question is do you?

      • Dawn P.
        October 28, 2010 at 8:42 pm

        Okay, “independent” What exactly HAS Stan Adelstein done “for his fellow man” that is so good? It’s been pretty obvious for years that Mr. Adelstein has been in the legislature to further his own business dealings and get the state to change regulations so as to benefit his multiple businesses, all in pursuit of the almighty dollar. He clearly does not believe in preserving the life of the preborn. His votes tell that he is against what the Republican party espouses as their platform. So I ask you again, what good has he done for HIS FELLOW MAN that didn’t serve him and put money in his own pocket?

        • Independent
          October 28, 2010 at 10:18 pm

          He donates many thousands of dollars to our community, works with young people aspiring to higher education, and will talk with anyone who comes to his crackerbarrel meetings, and treats everyone the same, with kindness.

          If you know anything about the Jewish faith, you are aware many Jews believe God breathes a soul into a child at the moment it is born. Life begins at birth, not at conception. Life beginning at the moment of conception is strictly a Catholic doctrine, borrowed by conservatives and fundamentalists alike. They did not create it. As difficult as it may be for you to accept the beliefs of others, even when it comes to abortion, you should really leave things in God’s capable hands. For all you know, a young woman experiencing an unwanted pregnancy may have prayed to Him and received His help in making a very difficult decision.

  6. Independent
    October 27, 2010 at 8:40 am

    Careful Ed, judging one of God’s chosen people will have unintended consequences for you.

    • Ed Randazzo
      October 27, 2010 at 2:09 pm

      I am not judging Mr. Adelstein. He is merely standing up for what he believes is right. I disagree with his opinions but applaud his advocacy for the issues and candidates he is willing to support. However, I do take issue with his desire to be a Republican when he is opposed to nearly all the planks of the Republican platform. The greater issus for me is the repeated acceptance of Mr. Adelstein as a Republican apparently because he has been financially supportive of the Pennington County GOP. The compromise of ones stated principles and beliefs to assure financial benefit is not accptable to me.

      • Independent
        October 28, 2010 at 10:21 pm

        You can attempt to disguise your judgements if you wish, but it’s not going to work. I’ve witnessed you judge many people on your blog, including me. If I can see it, He can surely see it too.

        • Ed Randazzo
          October 29, 2010 at 6:26 pm

          All posts and comments are still accessible. May I have some specifics or are you just fabricating again.

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