State Representative Exposes Administration Agenda

By Guest Author, Lora Hubbel

We Have Been Lied To

Despite the campaign promises and editorials, South Dakota has thrown her full political support behind PPACA – commonly called Obama Care.

We have been force-fed full government regulation of our state health care system just like the schools were force-fed government control with HB1234. Only it’s worse. With the school “bonus” there are 3 options; take it, change it to their liking… or leave it. We only have the “take it” option with PPACA….unless we muscle back with strong political leadership.

Government control of health care has been in the making since the early 90’s with HillaryCare. In fact, whenever socialism rears its head the first order of business is to control healthcare…even according to Karl Marx. In South Dakota, Gov.Rounds is currently working with Sen. Tom Daschle (who helped pen and promote PPACA), at the Bipartisan Policy Center in DC as co-chairs of Health ….where they both advise President Obama on bureaucrat-controlled health care. In 2007, Rounds et al, had bills that insisted you have health insurance or possibly go to jail (SB131, Zaniya). But, in order for the government to know how much to charge you for insurance, you had to give all your financial information to the State…not just your bank balance but ALL your net worth.

The same year (2007) they submitted HB1166 that created a landing place for PPACA, the Health Care Exchange (or Connector as it is called in Romney Care). Take a look at that bill and see what a power grab it was. When these 2 bills failed…they sneaked in the back door with 2007 HB1169, The Zaniya Project (Lakota for “health care”).

Governor Dauguard was the Chair of Zaniya Task Force and had 22 proposals for the group when they first met.

There was a proposal for an individual mandate (just like the ruse lawsuit we are involved in now to stop it nationally). Another proposal was for mass data collection and the infrastructure to store it. Sounds innocuous until you realize they want all your information ….health records, genetic profile, facial ID, fingerprints, all bank accounts and assets, social views, and religious identification etc. They currently plan to work with schools, other agencies (DMV etc.) and even churches to get it all. This information will be the life blood of the Exchange….the flesh of the Exchange will be insurance and medical software.

Rounds had instructed Zaniya members to proceed as if this were actually going to be law and not just a study. This group consisted of Hospitals (who recently got $54 billion nationwide in incentives) and insurance companies (most are affiliated with hospitals), Chamber members and lay people who are now legislators. At a Research Conference last summer I heard the CEO of Sanford say, “…no matter your politics, we cannot repeal PPACA or Obama care in South Dakota or otherwise Sanford will have to go back to the drawing board.” Hospitals/Insurance are all pro PPACA…because they will be in the Exchange where if they can’t make a profit they will be bailed out…sound familiar? Our politicians have no qualms with big bail outs.

Welcome SD Bureaucrat-controlled Health Care. Zaniya Project even had two representatives from Romney Care meeting every time with them to further us into a government-controlled health system. This group helped us write 2011 SB38 (a 75-page bill that gave total health care power to the State. Bureaucrats now control “medical necessity” and allow any Federal proclamation to become law in SD…including abortion). The only difference between SB38 and Romney Care is that Romney’s constituents wanted ObamaCare.

We didn’t… so we were kept in the dark with half-truths and deception to further Rounds/DauguardCare in SD.

Has your doctor been taking pictures of you every time you come in? Is your diabetes medication being challenged all of a sudden? If you are over 70 (or have less than 10 years to live) several cancer tests won’t be available to you.

And there’s more. It’s show and tell time….I have a 45 minute presentation where I prove my points and many more. Let me know if you want to see it.

***Lora Hubbel is a State Representative in South Dakota, and an expert on ObamaCare***


6 comments for “State Representative Exposes Administration Agenda

  1. sham-i-am
    April 21, 2012 at 10:24 pm

    Thank you Lora Hubbel for being on the front lines in this battle…. Thank you for bringing forth legislation in the 2011 session to attempt to stop this terrible LAW. I know that leadership has stopped at nothing to kill all of your attempts to protect the people of South Dakota and for that they will soon pay for it at the polls. May God bless your race for the Senate in Dist. 9….just so you readers know….Lora was REDISTRICTED this year because she fails to comply with the leadership in Pierre. So feel free to donate to Lora Hubbel.

  2. April 16, 2012 at 8:18 am

    Every South Dakotan should read this and pass it on to people you know. We must get this information out. The Press has a Blackout on this subject. Where are the HEADLINES: STATE ADOPTS OBAMACARE??? This should have been front page news for years.

    Florence K. Thompson
    Candidate, District 30, Representative

  3. Todd Gray
    April 10, 2012 at 10:33 pm

    “R” or “D” doesn’t mean anything anymore! I think may we should change it to “C” and “L” for crooks and liars!!

  4. rita reuer
    April 10, 2012 at 8:45 am

    I could hardly believe my eyes as I read this. I’ve never pictured SD to be like this….or Mike Rounds to have aspirations of something like this.

  5. Joelie Hicks
    April 10, 2012 at 6:30 am

    I really want to see this. If the gubernatorial election had gone the other way, we would have the same result. What is the difference? The difference is that the democrat candidate was straightforward about what he wanted. Part of the reason that the election went the other way. Now we feel betrayed by those who promised to serve us.

    • Lora
      April 25, 2012 at 10:48 pm

      This would have gone the same way if Munsterman got the nomination also..he owns a 3rd party payer company (all of which are parasites anymore…they used to be just vertical monopolies). Look at the agendas on this State page…all have Dauguard as the Chair of the Zaniya (means “HealthCAre in Lakota) in 2007.

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